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Displaying 10401 - 10500 of 17023 Entries
17023 Total Entries
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Title Date Document ID Document Finding Aid or Collection Holding Institution
Memorandum of debts due at Delaware by the burgomasters of Amsterdam 1671-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0017 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Propositions on behalf of the town of New Castle from Mr. Tom 1671-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0019 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Query from Mr. Tom about the tenure of the land at Delaware 1671-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0020 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Account of quit-rents due and payable 1671-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0023 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Petition from Ammergarrt Prints to capt. Carr concerning Tinnekunck 1671-03-08 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0026 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from William Tom and Peter Alrichs to governor Lovelace 1671-03-09 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0009 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from Robert Jones to capt. Carr 1671-03-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0016 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Inventory of goods saved out of Jan de Caper's ship 1671-03-30 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0018 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Directions for holding a special court of oyer and terminer at New Castle 1671-04-05 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0028 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Instructions for Walter Wharton about Delaware 1671-06-22 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0021 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Proposals from capt. Carr to the governor and council 1671-06-22 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0022 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from William Tom to gov. Lovelace 1671-10-25 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0024 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from John Carr to gov. Lovelace 1671-11-27 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0025 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
The result and reasons of the magistrates of Delaware against declaring war against the Indian murderers 1672-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0039 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Proceedings against John Smith for the recovery of a ship 1672-03-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0034 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Commission appointing Edmund Cantwell captain of foot for the town of New Castle 1672-04-01 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0033 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Commission of oyer and terminer for the trial of William Syncleer 1672-04-04 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0032 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Order to William Tom and commission of Walter Wharton 1672-04-06 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0031 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Certificate of William Tom, Peter Alrick, Walter Wharton and Ed. Cantwell relative to the appearance of Mr. Jenkins 1672-04-27 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0035 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Minutes of a council held at New York incorporating New Castle, Delaware 1672-05-17 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0029 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from Richard Perrot to gov. Lovelace 1672-06-21 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0036 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Answer to propositions about Delaware with instructions to publish the declaration of war against Holland 1672-08-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0030 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from John Carr to gov. Lovelace 1672-09-27 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0037 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from Edmund Cantwell to gov. Lovelace 1672-12-10 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0038 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Receipts and orders of John Carr for property belonging to Andrew Carr 1673-04-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0042 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Inventory of the goods, lands and houses left by Andrew Carr in Tinaconk, Delaware river 1673-04-23 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0041 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from William Tom to secretary Nicols 1673-07-08 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0040 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Declaration in the case of Gabriel Minville vs. John Carr 1675-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0055 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Petition of Jacobus Fabricius 1675-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0059 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Unsigned petition for a grant of 4,000 acres of land 1675-00-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0060 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Declaration. William Tom, plaintiff, and Derick Albertson, defendant 1675-01-11 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0048 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Memorandum of commissions and papers delivered to captain Cantwell 1675-02-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0045 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Declaration of Samuel Edsall, plaintiff, and William Oryon, defendant 1675-02-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0046 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Permit to Casparus Herrmans to occupy and possess a tract of land on the Delaware river 1675-02-05 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0044 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Deposition of Johannes De Haiy and others 1675-04-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0052 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from John Moll to secretary Nicolls 1675-04-15 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0049 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Commission for militia officers for Newcastle, Cranehook, Verdriete kook, Upland, Passayunck, Apoquemini and Whorekill, in Delaware 1675-05-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0053 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Order in land a dispute between William Tom and certain inhabitants on Verdrietyes hook 1675-05-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0054 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Fragment of a memorandum of the granting of warrants of survey, military commissions, etc 1675-05-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0061 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
List of persons living at the Whorekill 1675-05-08 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0081a New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Petition of Helmanus Wiltbank to the council about capt. Cantwell and charges made against him 1675-05-08 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0081b New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Commission of Edmund Cantwell to be surveyor in Delaware 1675-05-12 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0050a New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Order in regard to grist mills and recording of patents and deeds 1675-05-12 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0050b New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Directions for a special court to be held by the governor in Newcastle 1675-05-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0056 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Presentment of James Sandylands by Edmund Cantwell for manslaughter 1675-05-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0057 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Permit to John Moll and partners 1675-05-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0058 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Conference between governor Andros, the magistrates at New Castle, Del. and the Indian sachems of New Jersey 1675-05-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0062 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Actions entered for trial and other matters to be called up at a special court to be held at New Castle 1675-05-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0063a New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Proceedings of a special court held at New Castle, Delaware 1675-05-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0063b New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Grant to Dr. John Des Jardins of a tract of land 1675-05-15 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0065a New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Grant to Paternella Carr and her children of the remainder of her husband's estate after paying his debts 1675-05-15 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0065b New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Edmund Cantwell's receipt for bills received at Peter Rambo's 1675-05-17 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0051 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
James Sandylands and Lawrence Hulst fined for misbehavior 1675-05-17 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0065c New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Petition of the inhabitants of New Castle relative to making two dykes or highways through the marsh 1675-06-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0069 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Reasons which led the magistrates to make the order about the two dykes in New Castle 1675-06-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0070 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Petition of Lutherans on the Delaware river 1675-06-01 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0066 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Order to construct two dykes or highways along certain marshy lands at New Castle 1675-06-04 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0067 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Declaration of magistrates of New Castle on the opposition to the order to construct dykes or highways in New Castle 1675-06-04 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0068 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Remonstrance of inhabitants of New Castle against being compelled to repair one of the dykes 1675-06-05 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0072 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Order to inhabitants of New Castle to obey the directions of the court 1675-06-05 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0073 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from William Tom to gov. Andros 1675-06-05 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0074 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Survey of a tract of land near the Whorekill for Randell Revell at Slater Creek 1675-08-03 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0118a New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Remonstrance of the Swedes and Fins of Cranehook church against domine Fabricius being their minister 1675-08-14 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0075 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from William Tom to gov. Andros 1675-08-18 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0076 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from the magistrates to gov. Andros 1675-08-18 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0078 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Certificate of secretary Nicolls that capt. Carr was indebted to Dr. Henry Taylor at the time of the surrender of New York 1675-09-15 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0077 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Minute of the purchase of two tracts of land by gov. Andros 1675-09-20 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0079 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Copy of an attachment in favor of William Blackston against William Caning, issued by Edward Southrin 1675-10-08 NYSA_A1879-78_V21_0021a New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from Armergartt Printz to Samuel Edsal 1676-03-03 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0082 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Copy of a summons against William Prentice at the suit of Ously Briant 1676-03-03 NYSA_A1879-78_V21_0021b New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
List of land patents sent to capt. Cantwell at Delaware 1676-04-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0086 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Charges made by Henry Smith against Cornelius Verhoof and Helmanus Wiltbank 1676-04-00 NYSA_A1879-78_V21_0023 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Names of witnesses in the suit of Henry Smith against Cornelius Verhoof: Peter Bawcomb, Alice Raymon, John Lemon, William True 1676-04-08 NYSA_A1879-78_V21_0022 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Petition of William Hamilton and William Sempill concerning a cargo of goods 1676-04-18 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0083 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from capt. Cantwell to gov. Andros 1676-05-11 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0084 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Schedule of surveyor's fees as allowed by the general assembly of Maryland 1676-05-15 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0106 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Pleadings in the case of Hans Peterson, plaintiff, and rev. Laurentius Carolus, defendant 1676-07-11 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0124 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Returns of survey of several tracts of lands in Delaware 1676-07-13 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0101 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Copies of subpoenas issued in a suit against Cornelius Verhoof 1676-07-26 NYSA_A1879-78_V21_0021c New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from gov. Andros to capt. Cantwell 1676-08-11 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0089 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Articles of agreement between Thomas Crompton and John Richardson relating to land on the west side of Delaware bay 1676-08-18 NYSA_A1879-78_V21_0074 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from Augustine Herrmans to capt. Cantwell 1676-08-27 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0090 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Certificate of the right of way of Hans Block through land now owned by capt. Cantwell 1676-09-02 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0091 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Certificate of Martin Garritson relative to Hans Block's right of way 1676-09-04 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0092 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Petition of Hendrick Jansen van Bremen about his fine for shooting Mr. Tom's horse 1676-09-04 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0093 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Nomination of magistrates for the Delaware river 1676-09-26 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0094 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Answers given to capt. Cantwell's proposals about affairs on the Delaware river 1676-09-27 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0096 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Ordinance making various rules for the government of the Delaware river 1676-09-27 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0098 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Memorandum of gov. Andros's orders in answer to various petitions 1676-10-28 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0099 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Memorial of magistrates of New Castle to gov. Andros on municipal affairs 1676-11-08 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0100 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Minutes of a council held at New York 1676-11-20 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0102 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from gov. Andros to the magistrates of New Castle 1676-11-23 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0103 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Fees of the surveyor in Maryland 1676-11-23 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0105 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Copy of a patent granted by gov. Andros to Daniel Whitley 1676-12-01 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0097 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Assignment of an island in the Delaware river to George Heathcote by Samuel Edsall 1677-01-29 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0104 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Civil and military appointments for Whorekill 1677-01-29 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0138 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
List of the names of persons in New Castle and Whorekill 1677-01-29 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0139 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Order of J. Anderson on E. Blackwell in favor of Robt. Hucheson 1677-02-18 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0107 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from secretary Nicolls to the magistrates at Whorekill 1677-02-20 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0108 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)
Letter from Helmer Willbank to governor Andros 1677-02-26 NYSA_A1879-78_V20_0109 New Netherland Council British Delaware River settlement administrative records - Dutch Records (Series A1879 _ 1664-1682)