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Ordinance imposing an excise duty for one year at Esopus 1661-11-15 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0885 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the better observance of the Sabbath, &c., at Esopus 1661-11-18 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0887 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the construction of a new road at the Esopus 1661-11-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0892 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance for the more speedy collection of the arrears due for the house and salary of the minister at the Esopus 1661-11-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0893 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Answer of the director and council to proposals from a company in New England, with translation in English 1661-11-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0907 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment against Harmen Bartels 1661-12-08 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0913 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Advice and resolution of the members of the council on the petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for slaves 1661-12-08 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0917 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Nicolaes Varlet for leave to go to Virginia on his private business 1661-12-08 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0919 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a petition of William Jansen for the establishment of rates of ferriage 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0921 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of inhabitants of Bergen for additional land 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0923 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute confirming the farming of the revenue on slaughtered animals 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0924 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to burgomasters to pay the salary of the sheriff of New Amsterdam 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0925 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Orders for appeals 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0929 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance erecting a court of justice at New Utrecht 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0930 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jeronimus Ebbingh for remission of a fine 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0933 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Joannes Withart for remission of a fine 1661-12-22 NYSA_A1809-78_V09_0935 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of John Richbell for a patent for Mammarinick (Westchester county) 1661-12-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0022 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Warrant for the arrest of John Koncklingh and others of Southold 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0001 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of magistrates of Bergen requesting to be provided with a clergyman 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0277 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
List of those at Bergen who subscribed for a clergyman 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0279 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Register of transactions in 1662 between the director and council and the burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0303 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Register of the principal resolutions 1662 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0305 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Register of ordinances 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0309 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointments of magistrates, etc. 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0313 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Register of judgments 1662-01-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0311 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Isaac Bedloo for an attachment of property at Mespath kill belonging to Richard Pantom 1662-01-05 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0003 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment for plaintiff in the suit of Dirck Jansen against Thomas Chambers 1662-01-05 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0004 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jacobus Vis for an appeal from judgments of the court at New Amsterdam 1662-01-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0006 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment for plaintiff in a suit of Simon Harmensen Coert against Andries de Graeff and Cornelis Hoogeboom 1662-01-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0010 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in the case of Adrian Blommert against Michel Jansen 1662-01-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0011 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Suit of Warnaer Wessels against sundry parties 1662-01-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0013 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment for defendant in a suit of Roeloff Jansen against Samuel Edsal 1662-01-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0014 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Warrant for Warnaer Wessels to collect arrears of duties by execution 1662-01-12 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0016 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for approval of the fees to be paid by certain ships 1662-01-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0017 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Frederick Hendricksen for an increase of pay 1662-01-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0019a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of Walewyn van der Veen having been sworn as notary 1662-01-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0019b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in a ease of Cornelis van Langevelt against Janneke Heermans 1662-01-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0020 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute requiring further explanation of John Richbell's petition 1662-01-19 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0023 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proclamation appointing the 15th March as a general day of thanksgiving, fasting and prayer, with copy in English 1662-01-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0027 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Peter Wessels for an increase of pay 1662-01-26 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0035 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Circular accompanying the proclamation appointing the 15th March as a general day of thanksgiving, fasting and prayer 1662-01-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0030 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from Stuyvesant requesting nominations for magistrates 1662-01-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0036 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Ordinance of the town of Bergen for the construction of a public well 1662-01-28 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0050 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year 1662-02-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0041 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam for instructions how to act on an application made by Michael Tadens for relief from a mortgage 1662-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0037 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of burgomasters, etc., of New Amsterdam for a lot for a school house and a lot for a burying ground 1662-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0039 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute in answer to the petition of the burgomasters of New Amsterdam for lots for a school and a burial ground 1662-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0040a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Renewal of the lease to Jacob Stoffelsen for the company's farm now in his occupation 1662-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0040b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of burgomasters and schepens of New Amsterdam for the ensuing year 1662-02-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0042 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of magistrates for the town of Hempstead for the ensuing year 1662-02-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0043 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for the town of Hempstead for the ensuing year 1662-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0044 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute granting John Richbell 50 to 60 morgens of land at Mamaroneck 1662-02-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0045 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment for plaintiff in the case of Thomas Morrel against Albert Albertsen 1662-02-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0046 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a petition of Robert Hobbs remonstrating against a judgment of the court at Flushing obliging him to pay William Hallet 1662-02-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0047 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a petition of Anthony Jansen that he be released from a sale to Nicholas Stillwel of some of his land near Gravesend 1662-02-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0048 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a petition of Sigismund Lucas to be released from the sale of his house and land at Harlem 1662-02-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0049 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in the case of Sigismund Lucas confirming the decision of the court of Harlem 1662-02-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0053 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment for plaintiff in the case of Johannes de Wit against Jacob Leendertsen van de Grist 1662-02-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0055 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of a grant to Allard Anthony and Paulus Leenderts van der Grist of a tract of land on Manhattan Island 1662-02-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0056 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment for plaintiff in a suit of Frans Jansen against Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven 1662-03-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0058 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Further order modifying the grant on Manhattan Island to Messrs. Anthony and Van der Grist 1662-03-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0059 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on a dispute between Timothy Gabry and Johannes Nevius 1662-03-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0060 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Orders for the arrest of Solomon Lachair and Warnaer Wessels 1662-03-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0061 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Proceedings in the case of Anthony Jansen from Salee against Nicolas Stilwel 1662-03-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0062 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Warnaer Wessels to be relieved from imprisonment 1662-03-02 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0063 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Rustdorp (Jamaica), L. I. 1662-03-04 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0065 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Paulus van der Beeck and Gerrit Hendrix, bondsmen of Warnaer Wessels, that steps be taken to secure them against loss as such bail 1662-03-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0066 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Gerrit van Tright for copy of a petition against Alexander D'Hinoyossa 1662-03-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0068 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Sundry complaints against Warnaer Wessels for alleged seizure of liquors 1662-03-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0069 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jan Adriansen van Duyvelant for an increased allowance for house rent 1662-03-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0071 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute of a petition of the town of Harlem that the settlers be exempted from the payment of gl. 8 per morgen for their land 1662-03-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0072a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Minute granting Wessels Evertsen an appeal from a decision of the court of New Amsterdam 1662-03-09 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0072b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Answer of the director and council to the proposals of Messrs. Fenn and others of New Haven colony 1662-03-11 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0073 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Letter from the director and council to Messrs. Fenn and others of New Haven colony 1662-03-13 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0077 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of orphan master in New Amsterdam for the ensuing year 1662-03-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0079a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to deliver the records of the town of Rustdorp, L. I., to Mr. Coe, magistrate, and the oldest inhabitant there 1662-03-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0079b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Permit to Reyndert Jansen Hoorn to come and reside at New Amsterdam for four months free from arrest 1662-03-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0080 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment refusing Michiel Tadens relief from a mortgage alleged to have been fraudulently obtained from him 1662-03-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0081 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment against Dirck de Vin for the use of a horse he had purchased from Dirck Teunissen and returned 1662-03-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0083a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Sundry actions for debt 1662-03-16 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0083b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Jan Joris Rapailje, Teunis Gysbert Bogaert, Cornelis Jacobsen, Michiel Hansen, and others of the Waalebocht for a grant of a tract of woodland in the rear of Rapailje's property 1662-03-18 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0088 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn, Midwout and Amesfoort, L. I. 1662-03-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0084 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Gerrit Hendricks for a renewal of his lease of the revenue of the weigh house for another year 1662-03-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0085 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment for plaintiffs in the case of Thomas Hall and others against Wolphert Webber 1662-03-23 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0087 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of inhabitants of Bushwick for the laying out of a new road from that village to the water side 1662-03-24 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0097 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Bushwick 1662-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0089a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of church wardens for New Amsterdam 1662-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0089b New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of orphan masters for a settlement of the accounts of Rachel van Tienhoven 1662-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0090 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on the petition of Rachel van Tienhoven 1662-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0091 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Warrant empowering Oratan and Mattano to seize any brandy found in their country and all persons selling it and conduct them to New Amsterdam 1662-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0095 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order to the marshal to put in execution a judgment obtained by Simon Harmense Coert against Andries de Graeff and Cornelis Hoogeboom 1662-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0096 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order on the above petition of inhabitants of Bushwick and respecting New Arnhem 1662-03-30 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0099 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of town of Amesfoort that a boundary line may be run between Amesfoort and Midwout 1662-04-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0101 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Judgment in the case of Jeronimus Ebbingh against Cornelis Barentsen Slecht 1662-04-01 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0121 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order referring to arbitration a claim of Cornelis Tysen and Joost Coockuyt against Symon Peterson 1662-04-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0100 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Summons to the town of Midwout to appear before the council and answer the petition of the town of Amesfoort 1662-04-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0103 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Petition of Arent van Curler for a survey of the great flatt behind Fort Orange (Schenectady) 1662-04-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0105 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Nomination of magistrates for Fort Orange for the ensuing year 1662-04-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0107 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Appointment of magistrates for Fort Orange 1662-04-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0108 New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)
Order for an execution against the goods of Wolphert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven at the suit of Frans Jansen van Hoochten 1662-04-06 NYSA_A1809-78_V10_pt1_0109a New Netherland Council Dutch Colonial Council Minutes (Series A1809 _ 1638-1665)