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Displaying 5701 - 5800 of 17023 Entries
17023 Total Entries
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Letter from director Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1664-06-10 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0131 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1664-06-10 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0132 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from vice-director La Montagne to director Stuyvesant 1664-06-16 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0133 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from directors to Stuyvesant 1664-06-24 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0134 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Minute of the court at Wiltwyck 1664-07-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0136 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the vice-director of Curaçao 1664-07-30 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0137 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1664-08-04 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0138 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from the council to the directors at Amsterdam 1664-08-17 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0139 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Summons of colonel Nicolls for the surrender of New Amsterdam 1664-08-20 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0144b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the magistrates of Fort Orange 1664-08-29 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0140 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Minute of council deliberations on the demand of surrender by the English 1664-08-30 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0143 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Stuyvesant to the directors at Amsterdam 1664-09-01 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0141 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Minute of the common council of New Amsterdam 1664-09-01 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0144a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Minute appointing delegates to accompany commissioners to the commanders of the English forces at Nyack 1664-09-02 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0144c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Commission of Cornelius Steenwyck and Jacques Cousseau to be delegates to the commanders of the English forces 1664-09-02 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0144d New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Letter from Messrs. La Montagne and Van Renselaer to director Stuyvesant 1664-09-03 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0142 New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Report of Cornelius Steenwyck and Jacques Cousseau 1664-09-03 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0144e New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Resolution of the council of New Amsterdam to treat with the English for surrender 1664-09-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0144f New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Appointment of Cornelis Steenwyck, Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt and Jacques Cousseau to treat with the English for surrender 1664-09-05 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0144g New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Agreement of commissioners to convey soldiers who wish to return to Holland 1664-09-06 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0145b New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Report of Cornelis Steenwyck, Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt and Jacques Cousseau of the articles of surrender 1664-09-07 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0145a New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
Ratification of the articles of surrender by the Dutch commissioners 1664-09-08 NYSA_A1810-78_V15_0145c New Netherland Council Dutch colonial administrative correspondence (Series A1810 _ 1647-1664)
List of letters and papers relating to the conquest of the Swedes on the Delaware river NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0011b New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from council of New Netherland to director Stuyvesant NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0012 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0002 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0027 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0092 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Partial copy of 18:1 and 18:7b 1646-09-22 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0000 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Indian deed from Kickeeu-sickenam and other chiefs to Alexander Boyer, Simon Root, Peter Harmsen, David Davidsen and Cornelis Mouritsen 1648-01-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0009 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Report of the proceedings of Johannes Prints by Andries Hudde 1648-09-25 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0001 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Alexander Boyer to director Stuyvesant 1648-10-07 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0002a New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Agreement of Simon Wallingsen to purchase Peter van der Linden's plantation 1648-11-04 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0002b New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Declaration of Alexander Boyer, David Davitsen, Adrian van Tienhoven, Peter Hannansen, Simon Boot and Andries Lucassen 1648-11-05 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0003 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Declaration of Simon Root, Jacob Claessen and Anthony Pietersen 1648-11-06 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0004 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Declaration of Adrian van Tienhoven, Alexander Boyer and David Davidsen 1648-11-07 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0005 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Protest of Andries Hudde against Johannes Prints, the Swedish governor 1648-11-09 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0006 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Extract of a letter from Adrian van Tienhoven to director Stuyvesant 1649-04-09 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0008 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Andries Hudde to vice-director Beeckman 1649-05-23 NYSA_A1878-78_V19_0029 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Capitulation of Fort Casimir 1650-09-24 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0015 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Copies of letters from director Stuyvesant to the commissary at the Delaware river 1655-01-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0010 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Papers relating to the conquest of the Swedes on the Delaware river 1655-01-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0011a New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Notice to the Swedes on the Delaware to take an oath of allegiance 1655-01-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0020 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the council 1655-09-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0014 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Secret article agreed to by director Stuyvesant and governor Risingh on the surrender of Fort Christina 1655-09-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0019 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from council of New Netherland to director Stuyvesant 1655-09-12 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0013 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to the council 1655-09-15 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0016 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Answer of Johannes Risingh to an open letter from director Stuyvesant 1655-09-15 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0018 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Capitulation of Fort Christina 1655-10-19 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0017 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Minutes of the administration of Jean Paul Jacquet, vice-director of the South river 1655-12-18 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0021 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Articles and ordinances by the burgomasters of Amsterdam 1656-01-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0024 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Register of all the letters from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council of New Netherland 1657-03-12 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0025a New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council 1657-03-20 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0025b New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council 1657-03-22 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0026 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-05-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0029 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to the director and council 1657-05-08 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0027 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-05-28 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0028 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-08-10 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0030 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-08-22 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0031 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-09-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0032 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-09-02 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0032bis New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-09-16 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0033 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-10-28 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0034 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-11-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0036 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1657-11-14 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0035 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Copy of letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-03-18 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0037 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-03-30 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0038 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-05-17 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0039 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-05-27 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0040 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Secret resolution of the Amsterdam Chamber of the W. I. Company 1658-06-04 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0041 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-06-26 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0042 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-08-05 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0043 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-08-17 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0044 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-09-05 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0045 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-10-07 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0046 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-11-18 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0047 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1658-11-20 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0048 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-01-24 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0049 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-02-13 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0050 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from directors of the W. I. Company to Jacob Alrichs 1659-03-24 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0051 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-05-14 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0052 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-05-23 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0053 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-06-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0054 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Indian deed for the Whorekill 1659-06-14 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0055 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-06-26 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0056 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-07-29 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0057 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-08-18 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0059 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Mattheus Capito to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-01 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0095 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-09 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0060 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-09 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0061 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-12 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0076 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-20 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0063 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Protest against lord Baltimore, addressed to col. Utie 1659-09-21 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0062 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-21 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0064 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from director Stuyvesant to Messrs. Alrichs and Beeckman 1659-09-22 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0067 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Jacob Alrichs to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-23 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0065 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Commission of Martin Crieger to be captain of a military force sent to the Delaware 1659-09-23 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0068a New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Commission of Cornelis van Ruyven and Martin Crieger to be commissioners to regulate affairs at the Delaware 1659-09-23 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0068b New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Commission of Augustine Heermans and Resolved Waldron to be ambassadors to Maryland 1659-09-28 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0068c New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from Messrs. Van Ruyven and Crieger to director Alrichs 1659-09-30 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0069 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)
Letter from William Beeckman to director Stuyvesant 1659-09-30 NYSA_A1878-78_V18_0070 New Netherland Council Dutch Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records (Series A1878 _ 1646-1664)