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Displaying 7901 - 8000 of 17098 Entries
17098 Total Entries
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Title Date Document ID Document Finding Aid or Collection Holding Institution
Minutes|Case|George Baxter v. Cornelis van Ruijven: receiver of the Companys revenues: demand for payment of debt from the Company: disputed: rebellion in 1655 alleged: vehement protests by Baxter: fined for bad behavior in court 1664-12-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_517 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Judgment |Judgment in the Suit between Jacob Kip and Gerrit van Tright: attornies of Mighiel Jansen Muijden: v. Arent Janzen Moesman: regarding the demand for payment of balance of debt according to decision of arbitrators: with counter -claims: 1664-12-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_521 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Frans Janzen van Hooghten v. Eghbert van Borsum: demand for boys to return to work according to contract: claim for payment in clothing: ordered to work and ordered to pay 1664-12-13 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_523 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Jacobje Jans v. Sara Sanders: default 1664-12-13 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_524 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Cornelis Steenwijck v. Ritzert Moor: arrest of tobacco of Lieffletheit in Moors hands because of debt: disputed: ordered to pay: arrest valid 1664-12-13 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_522 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Interrogation|Eving Saelsberrij as to the theft of which Tomas Fais is accused 1664-12-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_525 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Court|[ afternoon] 1664-12-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_526 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Captain John Schott as to his imprisoned servant Tomas Fais: accused of theft: inquiry into whereabouts of stolen goods: promise of Fais to recover goods and serve faithfully: released from confinement 1664-12-20 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_527 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Cornelis Steenwijck v. Francis Douthij: demand for payment of debt in tobacco according to mortgage of 29 June 1664 for which the bark Return is surety: disputed: ordered to pay 1664-12-23 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_528 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Seletje Jans v. Jan Vinge and Pieter Stoutenburgh: curators of the estate of Raghel van Tienhoven: demand for release from lease of house of the estate: disputed: proof required 1665-01-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_529 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Asser Levij v. Balthazar Baijart: dispute over hiring of the daughter of Aucke Jansen who was not free: Aucke Jansen to be questioned 1665-01-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_530 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Marten Janzen smitt v. Pieter Hermsen: demand for payment of balance of debt for work on the vessel de Ruijter: disputed: ordered to pay 1665-01-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_531 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Jan Vinge and Pieter Stoutenburgh: curators of the estate of Raghel van Tienhoven: for permission to arrest goods of Seletje Jans: granted 1665-01-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_532 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Petrus Stuijvesant v. Arien Appel: demand for payment of balance of debt for house rent according to contract: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators 1665-01-31 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_533 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Paulus Leenderzen van der Grift: treasurer of the city: v. Eghbert Meinderzen: demand for payment of balance of debt for tax farming: acknowledged: ordered to pay 1665-01-31 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_534 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Pieter van Couwenhoven and Jan van Gelder: curators of the estate of Pieter Janzen metselaar: v. Anneken Kockx: demand for payment of debt according to account book: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators 1665-01-31 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_535 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Jacob Kip and Gerrit van Tright: attornies of Mighiel Janzen Muijden: attorney of Arent Jansen Moesman: v. Dirck van Clijf: demand for payment of balance of debt according to obligation: disputed: ordered to pay 1665-01-31 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_536 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Affidavit|Request of Eghbert Meindersen for abatement of the payment for tax farming: granted 1665-01-31 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_537 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Proceeding|Election of Burgomasters and Schepenen 1665-02-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_538 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Letter |Schout, Burgomasters and Schepenen to Governor Richard Nicolls: submitting the nomination for the incoming magistrates 1665-02-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_539 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Oath |Appointed Burgomasters and Schepenen 1665-02-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_540 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Annetje Jans: demand for fine for tapping with unmarked cans: disputed: witnesses required: postponed 1665-02-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_541 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Cristiaan Pieters: demand for fine for breaking arrest: prosecuted on 2 July 1663 by Isaack Grevenraat: permission to leave during war with Native Americans alleged: fined: if no proof forthcoming 1665-02-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_542 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Tomas Lauwerens v. Frerijck Arensen: default 1665-02-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_543 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Affidavit|Request of Lauwerens de Sille for an order to the curators of the estate of Gabriel de Haas to produce papers: granted 1665-02-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_544 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Dirck Storm: demand for fine for tapping after hours: witness testimony: disputed: fined 1665-02-21 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_545 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Annetje Jans: demand for fine for tapping with unmarked cans: witness testimony: fined 1665-02-21 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_546 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Jacob van Couwenhoven: absent: no further prosecution 1665-02-21 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_547 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Lijsbet Ackermans: demand for fines for weighing with unstamped weights: tapping after hours and for payment in goods: and insulting officer and minister: disputed: oath required: witnesses to be examined 1665-03-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_549 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Jacques Cousseau v. skipper Sijvert Bergen: demand for best berth in cabin during voyage and sundry tobacco trade arrangements: disputed: proof required 1665-03-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_550 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Mattheus de Vos v. Jan Vinge and Pieter Stoutenburgh: curators of the estate of Raghel van Tienhoven: demand for payment of balance of debt in beavers according to account: acknowledged: transferred debt to be deducted: ordered to pay 1665-03-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_551 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Sophia Jans: demand for fine for using unmarked weight: denied: proof required 1665-03-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_552 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Order |Request of Metje Wessels: to Claas van Elslant to be ready to appear before arbitrators in their suit 1665-03-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_553 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Lijsbet Ackermans: demand for fines for weighing with unstamped weights: tapping after hours and for payment in goods: and insulting officer and minister: witness examined: disputed: oath offered: postponed 1665-03-07 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_555 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Grietje Pieters v. Marija Pia: slander as to theft of beaver by Lijsbett Ackermans: source named: proof required 1665-03-07 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_556 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Jeronimus Ebbinck: attorney of Geraard Hamel: v. Hendrick Janzen van der Vin: demand for payment of debt according to account: decision of arbitrators produced: referred back to arbitrators 1665-03-07 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_557 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Marij Verplanck: demand for return of Testament: purchased from soldiers who looted it: to Jacob Kip and fine: demand inadmissable: soldiers need to be prosecuted: 1665-03-07 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_554 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Petrus Stuijvesant v. Arien Appel: default: demand for use of house or occupied rooms or surety for rent 1665-03-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_559 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Petrus Stuijvesant v. Jan Vinge and Pieter Stoutenburgh: curators of the estate of Raghel van Tienhoven: demand for payment of a debt of Cornelis van Tienhoven with Nicolaas van Lith from 1650 according to account: disputed: 1665-03-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_558 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Petrus Stuijvesant v. Arien Appel: demand for payment of debt for rent of a house according to decision of arbitrators: return of house: or surety: counter-claim: disputed: ordered to pay and vacate or provide surety 1665-03-21 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_560 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Albert Leenderzen and Ariaantje Cornelis v. Petrus Stuijvesant: demand for payment or restitution of land in New Haarlem: reply promised: copy ordered 1665-03-21 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_561 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Note |Receipt of an order from Governor Richard Nicolls to summon a court to hear and judge the suit of Charles Bridges and his wife Sarah against William Newtown and Thomas Senequam: with a copy of the order 1665-03-23 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_562 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Interrogation|William Niuman and Thomas Senequam: accused of cheating in the sale of a Native American and theft of clothing and cloth of Charles Bridges and his wife Sarah 1665-03-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_563 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Proceeding|Against William Niuman and Thomas Senequam: accused of cheating in the sale of a Native American and theft of clothing and cloth of Charles Bridges and his wife Sarah: 1665-03-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_565 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Appearance|Arent Jurriaanzen Lantsman: his wife Belitje: and her father Lodowijck Post: request for wife to return with children: disputed: promise to keep a peaceable house together 1665-03-29 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_566 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Report |Presiding Burgomaster as to a meeting with Governor Richard Nicolls as to billeting soldiers: decision to invite some burghers to hear their opinion: request to Nicolls to attend meeting 1665-03-29 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_567 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Proceeding|Proceedings and deliberations as to the communication of Governor Richard Nicolls about billeting soldiers: provisions to be supplied and costs to be defrayed: call for volunteers: list of names of people asked 1665-03-31 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_568 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Demand |Demand of Carel van Brugge and his wife for missing property to be returned: Thomas Senequam questioned 1665-03-31 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_569 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Report |Presiding Burgomaster as to communication with Governor Richard Nicolls regarding the billeting of soldiers: decision to call meeting of old Burgomasters and Schepenen and principal burghers 1665-04-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_571 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Complaint|Bartholdus Maan complaining about the behavior of soldiers: forcing him to tap: threatening: molesting: and wounding him and others 1665-04-07 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_572 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Abraham van Tright v. skipper Sijvert van Bergen: demand for transport of tobacco according to promise: disputed: tobacco as payment for freight: settlement imposed 1665-04-07 NYC-RNA_V4_bk3_574 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Petrus Stuijvesant v. Jan Hendrickzen van Gunst: demand for payment of balance of debt in beavers according to obligation: disputed: ordered to pay remainder 1665-04-18 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_577 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Immetje Evers: demand for fine for breaking arrest: disputed: oath offered: proof required 1665-04-18 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_578 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Walter Salter: default: demand for confiscation for handling stolen goods and fraud: granted 1665-04-18 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_579 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Dirck Clazen pottebacker v. Antonij Dirckzen: demand for payment of debt for half of a canoe: disputed: referred to arbitrators 1665-04-18 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_580 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Huge Barenzen Clein v. [illegible] backer: demand for payment of debt according to account: disputed: referred to arbitrators 1665-04-18 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_581 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Charles Stockx: Tomas Lex: and Francois Nouvelle: v. Moses Dorham: demand for payment of monthly wages on ship: disputed: ordered to pay and ordered to fulfill journey 1665-04-18 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_582 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Petrus Stuijvesant v. Arien Appel: default 1665-04-18 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_583 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Authority|Jan Jelisen Koeck to collect monies according to assessment 1665-04-19 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_587 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Proceeding|Proceedings and deliberations as to the communication of Governor Richard Nicolls about billeting soldiers and the measures thereto required: general assessment to be made: 1665-04-19 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_584 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Walter Salter: demand for fine for theft and smuggling of an half cask of cordial found in his house: proof required 1665-04-20 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_588 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Walter Salter: demand to produce evidence as ordered: written evidence produced: copy granted 1665-04-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_590 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Nicolaas de Meijer v. Trijntje Herders: demand for payment of debt: acknowledged: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators 1665-04-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_591 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Jacques Cousseau v. Abraham van Tright: demand for fulfillment of contract for shipping tobacco: acknowledged: order to fulfill contract 1665-04-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_592 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Frerijck Gijsberzen van den Bergh v. Joannes de Wit: demand for payment of debt: disputed: proof required 1665-04-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_593 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Sergeant Exton v. Gerrit Janzen Stavast and his wife: complaint as to quality of a purchased feather bed: disputed: bed to be returned 1665-04-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_594 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Cornelis Pluijvier v. Aaltje Constapels: default 1665-04-25 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_595 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Proceeding|Meeting with several burghers as to the assessment for billeting soldiers: complaints about expenditure: behavior of soldiers: and level of individual assessments 1665-05-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_596 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Hendrick Jansen van der Vin to be excused of paying the full assessment for billeting soldiers 1665-05-02 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_597 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Decision |Write a letter to the Court of Albany 1665-05-19 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_598 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Sijmon Jansen Romeijn for approval of a decision of arbitrators on his suit as to black amber with Jacob Vis who obstructs finalization: granted 1665-05-19 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_599 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Walter Salter: default 1665-05-23 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_600 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Jan Laurens: attorney of Jan Barcker: v. Jeems Naber: demand for payment of debt in tobacco according to obligation: disputed: ordered to pay or provide surety 1665-05-23 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_601 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Rem Janzen v. Jacob Vis: protest against arrest: disputed: accounts to be exchanged 1665-05-23 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_602 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Nicolaas de Meijer for execution of the judgment against Nathaniel Britten: granted 1665-05-23 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_603 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Jacques Cousseau v. Evert Dirckzen van As: demand for payment of balance of debt for tobacco according to obligation: disputed: ordered to pay 1665-05-30 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_604 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Isaack de Foreest v. Jurrien Janzen van Auwerijck: default 1665-05-30 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_605 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Order |Bartholdus Maan to pay surgeons fees to Mr. Tijteman for treating Francois Frijman 1665-05-30 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_606 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Matthijs de Hagenaar: default: arrest valid 1665-06-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_607 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Isaack de Foreest v. Jurrien Janzen van Auwerijck: demand for surety for rent of house: proper lease and repairs as counter-demand: disputed: repairs ordered: surety ordered 1665-06-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_608 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Nicolaas Verbraack v. Hendrick Arenzen spaanjaart: demand for payment of debt in sewant according to obligation: disputed: referred to arbitrators: arrest valid 1665-06-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_609 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Wernaar Wessels v. Eghbert Meinderzen: demand for payment of balance of debt according to account: disputed: oath taken: ordered to pay 1665-06-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_610 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Cornelis Pluijvier for a letter to the Court of Esopus in regard to the judgment of 18 April 1665 in his suit with Teunis Hermsen: granted 1665-06-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_611 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Affidavit|Request of Mattheus de Vos: attorney of Nelis Mattijsen: for an order to the curators of the estate of Raghel van Tienhoven to provide deposit for a debt arising from a judgment against Cornelis Jansen houtsager in his suit with Nelis Mattijsen: 1665-06-06 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_612 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Schout Allard Anthonij v. Bartholdus Maan: accusation of disturbance and drawing a knife: order to refrain from tapping 1665-06-13 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_613 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Sijbrant Janzen Galma and Tomas Lamberzen v. Eghbert Meinderzen: demand for payment of wages according to contract: disputed: referred to arbitrators 1665-06-13 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_614 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Grietje Pieters v. Saartje Teunis: demand for proof of slander as to theft of beaver: chain of witnesses named: further inquiry ordered 1665-06-13 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_615 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Request |Cornelis Pluijvier for execution of the judgment of 6 June 1665 against Alette Sijbrants: granted 1665-06-13 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_616 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Proceeding|Installation of a city government of Mayor: Aldermen: and Sheriff 1665-06-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_617 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Oath |Mayor: Aldermen: and Sheriff 1665-06-14 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_618 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Decision |City government to retain the secretary: court messengers: and constable in service: and to send a letter to the court of Haarlem 1665-06-15 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_619 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Decision |Summon Govert Loockermans: church warden: and ask him about repairs to the churchyard: decision to organize a collection to raise funds 1665-06-15 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_620 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Exhibition |Accounts by the treasurer and the receiver 1665-06-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_621 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Decision |Abolish the office of treasurer and transfer its duties to the receiver: with the secretary as bookkeeper 1665-06-17 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_622 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Order |Bakers to submit an account of supplies 1665-06-19 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_623 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Instruction|Weigh house men and beer carriers 1665-06-19 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_624 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Oath| Weigh house men and beer carriers 1665-06-19 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_626 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Mattheus de Vos: attorney of Thomas Hall: v. Geertje Hoppe: demand for payment of debt due to sale of land: copy granted 1665-06-20 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_627 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Minutes|Case|Nicolaas de Meijer v. Nathaniel Britten: refusal to fulfill judgment: Britten to be summoned 1665-06-20 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_628 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)
Declaration |Coenraat ten Eijck: Joost Goderus: Stoffel van Laar: and Hendrick Janzen van de Vin as to the molestation and disturbance caused by three soldiers on 19 June 1665 1665-06-22 NYC-RNA_V4_bk4_629 New Amsterdam Records NYC - Court Minutes (Series RNA_V4_1662-1665)