Document: Actions of debt; attachment issued against the ship of Harmen Jacobsen Bambus

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Actions of debt. Attachment issued against the sloop of Harmen Jacobsen Bambus, an absconding debtor, at the suit of Rutger Jacobsen; order for the arrest of said Bambus, who is hiding away in Esopus.

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Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeJuly 4, 1657

President, Johannes LamontagneJacob SchermerhoornPhilip PietersenAbraham StaetsJan TomassenAdriaen Gerritsen

Default. Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Christoffel Davids, defendant.

Mattheus Abrahamsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan van Hoesem, defendant.

Tryntie Koominckx, plaintiff, againstDefault. Carsten de Noorman, defendant.

Foppe Barentsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Cornelis Vos, defendant.

Willem Hofmeyer, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jochim Wesselsen, defendant.

Claes Gerritsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan Dareth, defendant.

Lowies Cobussen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jacob de Loper, defendant.

The Heer Jan Baptista van Rencelaer, plaintiff, against Pieter Bronck, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of ƒ100:- in beavers, or twelve and a half beavers, and ƒ426:- in sewant and also a balance of fifty guilders in sewant.The defendant admits the debt and promises to pay the same in three weeks, or before the departure of the ships, which are now at the Manhatans.The court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sums demanded within the space of three weeks, according to his promise.

Jacob Janssen, plaintiff, against Henderick de Backer, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of the sum of ƒ297:- in beavers.The defendant admits the debt, but claims that he is not bound to pay more than two-thirds in beavers and one-third part in sewant.The court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff two-thirds of the sum demanded in beavers and one third part in sewant, counting three guilders, ten stivers for each schepel that he must pay in sewant.

Marcelus Janssen, plaintiff, against Mattheus Abrahamsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of the sum of ƒ96:19:-.The defendant admits the debt and promises to pay in the space of fourteen days.The court orders the defendant to pay the sum demanded according to his promise within the period of fourteen days, under penalty of attachment.

Marcelus Janssen, plaintiff, against Trijntie Kooninckx, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of a certain sum arising from the tapsters’ excise.The defendant says that the administrators of the estate have been appointed to whom the plaintiff must apply.The court refers the plaintiff to the curators appointed to administer the estate of Jacob Luyer, deceased, to obtain payment.

Marcelus Janssen, plaintiff, against Lowies Cobussen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of the sum of ƒ38, arising from the farming of the excise.The defendant admits the debt and asks six weeks’ time in which to pay the aforesaid sum.The court orders the defendant to pay the sum demanded within the space of six weeks, under penalty of attachment.

The Honorable Rutger Jacobsen, appearing before the court, declares that he sold his yacht to Harmen Jacobsen Bambus and has been unable to obtain any payment from him. He requests that the said yacht be attached here, as the said Harmen Jacobsen stays away from this place.The court orders the attachment of the said yacht here in the name of the Hon. Rutger Jacobsen.

Albert de Rademaker, appearing before the court, complains that Harmen Jacobsen Bambus, who owes him 20 beavers and ƒ150:- in sewant, absents himself from here and keeps himself in hiding in the Esopus. He requests that the said Harman Jacobsen be brought here at the expense of the party who shall prove to be in the wrong. Fiat.

The honorable officer, plaintiff, against Henderick Anderiesen, defendant.The defendant asks time to produce his evidence. Fiat.

Translation Superscripts

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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