Document: Actions: Jacob Sehermerhoorn vs. Hendrick Andriessen; Jan Labité vs. Gillis Pietersen; Jan van Hoesem vs. Matthews Abrahamsen; Jochem the baker vs. William Hoffmeyr; Peter Bent vs. Peter Bosboom

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Actions. Jacob Sehermerhoorn agst. Hendrick Andriessen for defamation; put over. Jan Labité agst. Gillis Pietersen; debt; continued. Jan van Hoesem against Matthews Abrahamsen, for failing in his contract to complete a house on the hill. Jochem, the baker, agst. William Hoffmeyr, for possession of a house; defendant alleges that plaintiff, being his stepfather, made him a present of the premises on his wedding day; plaintiff puts in a special agreement whereby defendant releases him from all claims he may have against him for a certain sum; judgment for plaintiff, Peter Bent agst. Peter Bosboom, for breach of contract in refusing to manufacture brick for plaintiff; judgment for defendant.

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Ordinary Session held in Fort OrangeMay 29,1657

President, Johannes La MontagneJacob SchermerhoomPhilip PietersenAbraham StaetsJan Tomassenmagistrates

Sandert Leendersen, plaintiff, against Jacob Tijssen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of the rent of his house, leased to the defendant until the first of May Anno 1657.The defendant denies that he rented the said house for longer than he cared to live in it and claims that he vacated the said house in November Anno 1657.The parties having been heard, the court orders them to prove their statements on the next court day. Meanwhile, the defendant is ordered to pay the rent of the house for as long as he lived in it.

Jacob Schermerhoom, plaintiff, against Henderick Anderiessen, defendant.The plaintiff complains that the defendant in the presence of some prominent people called him a thief, scoundrel, bloodhound, etc.The defendant admits that he called the plaintiff names, but declares that he does not know what abusive things he said, as he was drunk.The officer requests permission to interplead.The parties having been heard, the court orders the plaintiff to prove his charges on the next court day. Meanwhile, the officer is granted an order permitting him to interplead.

Jan Labite, plaintiff, against Gillis Pietersen, defendant.The plaintiff demands settlement of his account for 100 pounds of nails, which he delivered to the defendant.The defendant says that he offered to settle the account a year ago and that the plaintiff did not appear to pay his counterclaim.The parties having been heard, they are ordered by the court to produce their respective accounts in order that judgment may be rendered as to the difference between them.

Frans Barensen Pastoor, plaintiff, against Teunis de Metslaer, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment in the sum of ƒ21

The defendant’s wife,[1] appearing in the place of her husband, admits that she owes f9:‒ and no more.The defendant, refusing to swear to her statement, the court, on the oath of the plaintiff, condemns her to pay the sum of ƒ21

Jan van Hoesem, plaintiff, against Mattheuwes Abrahamsen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant agreed to build his house at the hill, but has now abandoned it, after having received half the wages.The defendant says that it is not his fault, but the plaintiff’s, who would not allow him to work on it in the winter, and promises to take up the work again next Monday.The court, in accordance with the offer made by the defendant, orders him to proceed with the work of the said house on Monday next.

Jochim de Backer, plaintiff, against Willem Hoffmeyr, defendant.The plaintiff demands that the defendant shall vacate his house, as he has sold it and must deliver it the last of May.The defendant says that the house is not the plaintiff’s but his own, as the plaintiff gave it to him at his wedding party for a lot which belonged to him by patent and on which the plaintiff built a house during the defendant’s minority, the plaintiff being his stepfather and guardian.The plaintiff produces a certain agreement entered into by the respectively chosen arbitrators from which it appears that the defendant released all his claim to the plaintiff for the sum of 700 odd guilders.The court, having examined the agreement accepted by both parties, adjudge that the plaintiff, by virtue of the said arbitration, has the right to have the house in question vacated and orders the defendant to vacate it within the specified time.

Pieter Bronck, plaintiff, against Ulderick Kleyn, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of the sum of ƒ395:-.The defendant admits that he owes the plaintiff, but does not know how much and asks for an account.The court orders the plaintiff to give the defendant an account, which the defendant is to pay within six weeks.

Pieter Bout, plaintiff, against Pieter Bosboom, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant is bound to bake bricks for him for the period of ten months, exhibiting a contract made between the Heer t’Hulter, deceased, and the defendant.

The defendant on the other hand produces an absolute release from Juffrouw Johanna, widow of the said Heer de Hulter, deceased.The court, having examined the contract and the release, decide that the defendant is released from his contract by virtue of the release.

Pieter Bont, plaintiff, against Pieter Wollebrant, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of ƒ68:-.The defendant admits the debt.The court orders the plaintiff to prove his claim on the next court day.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Egbertjen Egberts

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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