At a Meeting of the Commanders and Honorable Council of War, holden on the 19th of September, 1673.
Commission for the Honorable Governor-General Anthony Colve, recorded this day by order of Messrs the Commanders.
The Honorable Council of War over a squadron of ships now at anchor in Hudson's river in New Netherland, for and in the name of their High Mightinesses the States-General of the United Netherlands, and his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange.
To all who shall see or hear these. Greeting:Whereas it is necessary to appoint a fit and able person as Governor-General to hold the supreme command over this conquest of New Netherland, with all its appendencies and dependencies, beginning at Cape Hinlopen, or the south side of Delaware bay, and fifteen miles more southerly, including said bay and South river, as they were formerly possessed by the Directors of the city of Amsterdam, and after by the English government, in the name and on the behalf of the Duke of York; and further from the said Cape Hinlopen along the Great Ocean to the east end of Long Island and Shelter Island; and thence westward to the middle of the channel, called the Sound, to a town called Greenwich, on the main, and so to run landward in, northerly; provided that such line shall not come within ten miles of the North river, conformable to the provisional settlement of the boundary made in 1650 and afterwards ratified by the States-General, February 23, 1656, and January 23, 1664; with all the lands, islands, rivers, lakes, kills, creeks, fresh and salt waters, fortresses, cities, towns, and plantations therein comprehended. Wherefore, being sufficiently assured of the capacity of Anthony Colve, Captain of a company of Dutch Infantry in the service of their High Mightinesses the States-General of the United Netherlands and his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, &c., by virtue of our commission granted us by their before mentioned High Mightinesses and his Serene Highness, we have appointed, commissioned and qualified, as we do by these presents commission and qualify the said Captain Anthony Colve to be Governor- General of this country and forts thereunto belonging, with all the appendencies and dependencies thereof, to govern, rule and protect them from all invasions of enemies, as he, to the best of his ability shall judge most necessary. We therefore charge all high and low officers, justices, magistrates and other commanders, soldiers, burghers and all the inhabitants of this country, to acknowledge, honor, respect and obey said Anthony Colve as their Governor-General, for such we have judged necessary for the service of the country. All subject to the approbation of our principals. Thus done at Fort William Hendrick, the 12th day of August, 1673.
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