On petition of Cattelyna Hegemans, widow of Adriaen Hegeman requesting, in substance, that she may be allowed to proceed with immediate execution against the debtors for what still remained due to her of the outstanding debts from the sales at auction, according to the customs of our Fatherland; the same is allowed and granted her. Dated as above.
Captain Berry and William Sandford entering and requesting, in substance, that the Records and Papers of the late Province of New Yarsey, may, for divers reasons be delivered to and remain in the office of the Secretary of this Government, and not with Mr. Hopkins individually; the same is provisionally allowed them until further inquiry be made herein.
Jonathan Silck, to whom the Honorable Commanders, for reasons their honours thereunto moving, had promised an old boat, appearing before the Council, requests their Honors to be pleased to let him have in its stead Captain Lavall's old ketch, now lying sunk in Westchester creek, on condition that he should pay the government something for it; whereupon, having bargained together, they finally agreed for the sum of sixty Beavers; viz.: thirty in cash, and the value of the balance in cattle, wherefore Egidius Luyck hath become security, according to the bond remaining in the hands of Secretary Bayard.
The confiscation of said ketch is as follows:The Commanders and Honorable Council of War over a squadron of ships lying at anchor in the North river of New Netherland, in the service of their High Mightinesses the Lords States-General of the United Netherlands and his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, etc.
To all who shall see these or hear them read. Greeting: make known,
Whereas in the reduction of this Province of New Netherland under the obedience of their aforesaid High Mightinesses and his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, we have found in said Province and taken a ketch named the Rebecca and Sarah of about twelve lasts burthen, whereof William Merrit was late skipper, and which is lying at present in the river of Oostdurp heretofore called Westchester. Therefore we, by virtue of our commission containing the clause of confiscation, do declare said ketch named the Rebecca and Sara, late the property of the enemies of our State, a lawful prize, and accordingly confiscable to the behoof of our Lords Majors, as we do hereby confiscate said ketch with all her sails, anchors, cables and other appurtenances, for the behoof as aforesaid, to be from now henceforth employed or disposed for the benefit of our said Lords Majors, as shall be found compatible with the advantage and profit of our Lords Majors, aforesaid.
Thus done at the Meeting of the Honorable Council of War in Fort William Hendrik on the Island Manhatans in New Netherland, this 8th September, Anno 1673.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.1.