Document: Court Case | Pieter Lamberssen v. Catelyntie Verbeeck; complaint about slander of theft of tobacco; denied; proof required

Holding Institution
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|Court Case |Pieter Lamberssen v. Catelyntie Verbeeck; complaint about slander of theft of tobacco; denied; proof required|Apostil |On the request of Cornelis Schut for Maria Verleth to deliver books and papers to arbitrators; granted|Court Case |Govert Loockermans v. Hendrick Pietersen Kint int water; demand for payment of balance of debt according to account; copy granted; arrest invalid|Court Case |Jan Jacobssen v. Pieter Cornelissen de Jongh; demand for payment of debt for freight of goods from the South according to general list; referred to arbitrators|Court Case |Luycas Elderssen v. Jan van Leyden; default; arrest granted

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