At a Council the 5th April, 1674.
Pltff. alleges that the Deft. did, contrary to the Proclamation of the 12th December last, depart out of this city, and verbally confer with Nathaniel Davenpoort, residing in New England; concludes therefore, that Deft. ought to be condemned in a fine of three hundred guilders in Beaver; with costs.Deft. answers, that he went from the place with the consent of his officer, and says that the abovenamed Davenport came accidentally to Pel's to the Deft. where he had some conversation with him concerning the securing the Deft.'s private estate in New England; declares, also, that he was not aware that said Davenpoort would have come there.The Governor-General and Council having heard parties, find that the Deft. hath contravened the placard, yet for reasons (but not as a precedent), condemn the Deft. only in a fine of five and twenty guilders in Beaver, to be applied one third for the Fiscal, and one third for the Church, with costs.
Pltff. says, that the Deft. contrary to the placard of the 12th December last, hath gone out of this city and held correspondence with one Nathaniel Davenpoort, residing in New England, which is the more grave as Deft. is himself, a Magistrate of this city. Concludes therefore, that he ought to be condemned in a fine of fl. 600 Beaver, with costs.Deft. acknowledges he has been to Pel's to speak with Davenpoort, about securing his estate in New England, &c.The Governor-General and Council having heard parties, find that the Deft. hath contravened the Proclamation, but consider it may have been through ignorance; condemn the Deft., but not to serve as a precedent, only in a fine of fifty guilders Beaver, to be applied two thirds to the Fiscal, and one third for the Church, with costs.Whereas Peter Poulsen, aged about 43 years, born at Wolster, hath dared on the 26th of this last month, being intoxicated and drunk, to assault people in the streets of this city New Orange, running through divers streets with a drawn hanger, and without uttering a word, much less receiving any provocation, first cut and wounded Jacob Wolfertsen, a soldier, in the face, and in like manner challenged the soldier Francis Buyssen, who refusing, was also cut in the arm; all which cannot be tolerated in a place where justice is administered; therefore, the Governor-General and Council of New Netherland, administering the law in the name and in the behalf of their High Mightinesses, the States-General of the United Netherlands, and his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, having heard the demand of the Fiscal, and the acknowledgment of the aforesaid Peter Poulsen, have condemned and sentenced, do hereby condemn and sentence him to be imprisoned during the time of 8 days on bread and water, afterwards to be tied three hours to the stake and encircled with rods; furthermore, to pay the Surgeon for curing the wounded, also the costs of court, and expenses of execution.
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