Document: Court proceedings: Various actions for debt; Anna Verlett vs. capt. Geurt Tyssen

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Court proceedings. Various actions for debt. Anna Verlett, wife of George Hack, vs. capt. Geurt Tyssen; action for negroes purchased by plaintiff, and afterwards sold by defendant to others (see p. 58, supra); ordered that defendant furnish the plaintiff with copies of all his papers, and all proofs must be closed by the next sessions of the court, when judgment will be rendered.

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Court proceedings
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[ First several lines are lost. ]

Jan Jansen, plaintiff, against Harmanus Hartoch; the plaintiff says that he gave the defendant a bill for [ ] and requests payment or return of the bill. The defendant says that he received no bill from the plaintiff, but did receive one from Daniel Nieman. The director and councillors, having heard the parties, order Commissary van Brugge [ ] .

Allert Antony, plaintiff, against Casper and Nicolaes Verlett the plaintiff demands f659 for freight on goods which arrived here at the end of 1650 aboard de Fortuyn.

The defendants request that he first show an authority of procuration.

The plaintiff shows the authority of procuration.

The defendants answer in writing.

The director and councillors order that copies be given to the plaintiff for response at the next court session.

Evert Tesselaer, plaintiff, against Jan Jansen Schepmoes; [ ] first default.

The same Tesselaer, plaintiff, against Jacob van Corlaer; [ ] first default.

Tobias Teunissen, plaintiff, against Cornelys Jansen de Zeew; [ ] second default.

[ First several lines are lost. ] . . . the plaintiff demands and requests written [ ] they, plaintiffs, say that they were [ ] from the defendant and were sold by the same to Messrs, de Potter, Fredrick [ ] and others. The defendant responds in writing and produces [ ] depositions . Since this matter must be legally settled before justice can be done, it is ordered that the defendant give the plaintiff authentic copies of all his documents; both parties are ordered to present all their [ ] and documents concerning this matter to the council at the next court session, and to renounce further [ ] ; when this is done, the director-general shall make a judgment according to the requirements of the case.

Alma Hackx declares that the ship is English and that her husband received the commission in Virginia.

Isbrandt Dirrixen, plaintiff, against Abram Verplanck.

After hearing the parties, the director and councillors order La Montaigne, Paulisen and de Potter to be commissioners.

Pieter Luycassen, plaintiff, against Isbrant Dirrixen; defendant's first default.

Nicolaes Boot, plaintiff, against Auke Jansz; the plaintiff demands from the defendant the sum of f87,1 in money or the like.

The director-general and councillors order that after the second default payment be made within one month; received 24 stivers for default.

[ First several lines are lost. ]

. . . to pay in beavers in the spring. The defendant says that he made such an agreement.

The director-general and councillors order the defendant to deliver the nails, provided that the plaintiff post security for the payment.

Egbert van Borsem, plaintiff, against Isbrant Dirckx; [ ] first default.

Isaack Forreest, plaintiff, against Thomas Baxter; [ ] second default.

The director-general and councillors order payment in three weeks or else this will be given to the fiscal for attachment.

Willem Pietersz, plaintiff, against Jacob van Corlaer; [ ] default.

Aert Willemsen, plaintiff, against Kempe Labady; the plaintiff demands eight pieces-of-eight which he gave him to buy butter for the plaintiff.

The defendant says that because he could not acquire any butter he offered to return the aforesaid money, but was told that he should hold on to it. He gave the money to a certain Thomas Dozie who fell overboard with it and drowned. His wife declares under oath that he did not give her the money; therefore, Labady is prepared to pay.

Upon the petition of Egbert van Borsem requesting the ferry: the petitioner is granted his request upon the conditions which the director-general and council shall establish, and that he shall keep a good boat.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 5.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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Geurt Tyseen
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Anna Verlett
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