Document: Court Session:

Holding Institution
Document ID

Court Session | | Attendance List | | Court Case | Poulus Leendersen van der Grift v. Teunis Tomasen metselaer; default | Court Case | Jacob Haey v. Adriaen Keyser; demand for payment of debt according to account; account book produced; to be examined | Court Case | Adriaen Keyser v. Oloff Stevensen; demand for payment of transferred debt according to obligation; denied; referred to principal | Court Case | Cornelis van Tienhoven v. Jan Peeck; default | Court Case | Luycas van der Liphorst v. Tryn van Campen; demand for payment of debt for purchased linen; quality disputed; ordered to pay | Court Case | Salamon Piers; attorney of Rycke Nounes; v. Assar Leeven; demand for payment of debt for freight and passage money; goods sold at auction; unable to pay; ordered to pay

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Full Resolution Image

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