Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 15-22 May 1642

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Court proceedings. Andries Roulofsen vs. Govert Loockermans, for payment for digging a cellar; defendant denies having employed plaintiff; judgment for defendant. Catrina Bartram vs. Thomas Jacobsen, slander; defendant declares in court that he knows nothing of plaintiff but what is honest and virtuous; plaintiff likewise declares that defendant is a decent young man. Fiscal vs. John Celes, for shooting a hog; defendant adjudged to pay the owner such sum as arbitrators may decide to be the value of the animal, and a like sum to the fiscal, with costs. [1642] (page 124);Instructions. To Jan Jansen from Ilpendam, commissary at the South river (Delaware), for the expulsion of the English from the Schuylkil. [1642] (page 124);Court proceedings. Fiscal vs. Abraham Isaacksen Planck, for maliciously tearing down an ordinance posted in fort Amsterdam, and slandering the authorities; fined 300 guilders. [1642] (page 125)

Document Date
1642-05-15 to 1642-05-22
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On the 15th of May 1642

Cornelio vander Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Jan Celes, defendant, for shooting hogs belonging to other people. Plaintiff asks and demands that the defendant be punished, as by the shooting of hogs many inhabitants might suffer damage, so that it is necessary to make timely provision against this.

Having seen the complaint and conclusion of the fiscal and the depositions whereby it appears clearly that Jan Celes has shot hogs and given them away, which cannot be tolerated, as thereby many people might suffer loss, we therefore condemn, as we do hereby condemn, the aforesaid Jan Celes to pay for the hog which belonged to Everardus Bogardus, minister, so much as referees shall judge it to have been worth at the time it was killed; and as much as he shall have to pay to Everardus Bogardus the fiscal shall receive by way of fine. Furthermore, he is to pay the costs of the trial.

On the 22d of May 1642

Instructions according to which Jan Jansen Ilpendam, commissary on behalf of the Chartered West India Company on the South river of New Netherland, shall have to govern himself

As soon as the yachts Real and St. Marten shall have arrived, there, Jan Jansen shall proceed with one or both yachts if he considers it necessary, accompanied by as many people as he can conveniently assemble, up the Schuylkill to the place where the English have recently taken possession, go immediately on shore, demand the commission of the said Englishmen and ask by what authority they have presumed to take away our rights, lands and trade. If they have no expressed royal commission to settle in our limits, nor any formal copy thereof, he shall compel them immediately to depart in a friendly way In order that no blood be shed and, if they refuse to do so, he shall secure their persons and put them on board the yachts in order that they may be brought here. He shall further take care that he remain master of the situation, maintain the reputation of their High Mightinesses and the honorable West India Company and, after the departure or capture of the English, raze the said settlements to the ground, he, Jan Jansen, taking care that the English suffer no loss as to their furniture but that a suitable inventory thereof be made in their presence. Thus done in our council in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland on the date above written.

Cornelio vander Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Abraham Isaacksen Planck, defendant, for tearing down a placard. The fiscal asks that the case be expedited and that the defendant be punished according to the ordinance.

Having seen the complaint and the conclusion of the fiscal, Cornelio vander Hoykens, against Abraham Planck for disloyalty in deliberately tearing down the placard posted in Fort Amsterdam, in the presence of the sentinel and other witnesses, and denouncing the principal officers of the Company, which is a matter of grave consequence which tends to mutiny and revolt and can in no way be tolerated in a well ordered state, we have therefore condemned, as we do hereby condemn, the defendant to pay a fine of fl. 300, to be applied one-third part to the West India Company; one-third part to the building of the new church and one-third to the fiscal; and he is further forbidden on pain of banishment to express himself in word or deed to the prejudice of this State or of our masters. Thus done in our council in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, on the 22d of May 1642.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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