Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 20-24 June 1647

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Resolution. To send the ships Love and Cat on a cruise against the Spaniards and their adherents within the limits of the W. I. Co.'s charter. [1647];Minute. Of the filing, by Jochim Pietersen (Kuyter), of his answer to the complaint of ex-director Kieft, adding that he has other proofs respecting the origin of the (Indian) war, which he will produce before their High Mightinesses, the States-General. [1647];Affidavit. Of John Dolling, that he sold, in 1644, in New Netherland, his own and Isaac Bovee's claim against the W. I. Co. for services at Curaçao, to William Cornelissen Oldemerck, from whom he received 18 guns and a keg of powder. [1647]

Document Date
1647-06-20 to 1647-06-24
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In the interest of the honorable directors it is considered in council expedient and proper for the increase of trade and commerce of this country to equip, fit out and send to sea the yachts named De Liefde and De Kath. to cruise against our enemies the Spaniards and their adherents, within the limits of the charter. Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 20th of June anno 1647.

Jan Seno de St. Germain, at present a prisoner, being questioned at the requisition of Fiscal Van Dyck, declares that he received from the wife of Michiel Piquet two beavers, about 15 ells of white linen, 4 ells of cambric, two bunches of black and white strung seawan, one half an arm long and about as thick as a man's arm; also a black bag of loose seawan, about half an ell long; which articles were burled and delivered (after being prohibited from doing so) by him, the prisoner, to one Gascon, to be handed to the runaway Piket. This 24th of June anno 1647, in Fort Amsterdam.

Jochim Pietersz appeared in council and answered in writing the complaint of the late director, Willem Kieft, and said that they had more evidence from the three men who signed the petition than they had as yet exhibited to the honorable director general and council and that they would lay it before their High Mightinesses upon their arrival in Holland and there show the cause of the war.

At the request of Willem d'Key, as attorney of the honorable directors, Jan Dollingh declares in court, with offer and promise of solemn oath, that he, the deponent, did in the year 1644 sell to Willem Cornelisz Oldemerckt in New Netherland the accounts of what he and Isaack Boevees had earned in Curaçao, for which accounts he declares that he received in payment from the above named Oldemerckt 18 snaphances, declaring further that he has not traded or made any further bargain with the aforesaid Willem Cornelisz, nor received any other merchandise from him. The deponent says that Willem Cornelisz made him a present of a keg of about 40 pounds of powder, but that he did not give or pay anything for it, and after he, the deponent, had received the guns, he gave the said snaphances to Seger Tonisz; "So help him God Almighty." The 24th of June anno 1647.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 298.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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