October 20, 1644
Augustyn Heerman, plaintiff, vs. Philip Geraerdy, defendant, regarding the purchase of wine. Plaintiff desires to make delivery according to a verbal agreement of which he exhibits an affidavit. The case is adjourned until the arrival of Isaack Abrahamsen, as the defendant appeals to him.
Andries Hudden, plaintiff, vs. Jeuriaen Hendricksz, defendant.Plaintiff demands that the defendant complete the job agreed upon by day labor. Jeuriaen is ordered from this day on to finish the little work which remains to be done.
Abraham Jacobsz from Steenwyck, plaintiff, vs. Andries Hudden, defendant. 1st Default.
October 22
Whereas the director and council have thought fit to collect here the duty on beavers, because the great need and the safety of the country demand it; therefore, the said duty is also levied on the goods laden in the ship Ranselaer Wyck and said ship is forbidden to depart without having paid it, on pain of confiscation.Done in Fort Amsterdam in New Nether land, the 22d of October 1644.
The honorable director general and council of New Netherland, having seen the proceedings instituted at the request of Cornelis van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Piter Wyncoop, supercargo of the ship named Het Wapen van Rensselaers Wyck, defendant, in a case of smuggling committed by the same, from which proceedings it appears, both from the inspection by the fiscal and various other documents, that Piter Wyncoop smuggled guns and powder, yes, brought contraband goods into the country here, which is expressly forbidden; therefore, taking into consideration the petition presented by Arent van Curler, supercargo on the Wapen van Rensselaers Wyck, dated October 26 last, in which he requests that the case may be referred to the fatherland to be disposed of by the honorable directors and the honorable patroon and that because of the weakness of the ship, which apparently can not lay here over winter on account of Its leaky condition, we do refer the case to the honorable directors to be decided there, in order to deprive the honorable patroon of all cause of complaint, on condition that no goods shall be discharged from the ship until the directors have cognizance of the case, saving the interest of the honorable directors and the fiscal; nevertheless, all the goods which the fiscal seized and which were not included in the invoice are confiscated.
This day, the 27th of October 1644, in Fort Amsterdam, New Netherland.
On November 3, 1644
The fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Symon Volckertsen from De Streek,[i] a prisoner, on a charge of theft.
The aforesaid Symon Volckersz, aged 20 years, declares and voluntarily confesses that Antony Pietersz some time ago assisted him in stealing from Egbert van Borsum's sloop four beavers, which he wrapped in a woolen blanket, brought ashore and offered to sell to Marten Cregier, the criminal himself bringing them there. Not being able to sell them there, Antony, his accomplice, took the beavers and brought them to Schepmoes, where they were sold two for fl. 7: 10 and one for fl. 2:10; he does not know how much Antony got for the fourth, having taken brandy in payment, which they drank together.
The honorable director general and council of New Netherland, having seen the complaint of Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, against Symon Volckersz, born in De Streek, for theft committed by him in the sloop Prins Willem, on which he was a sailor; which delinquent voluntarily, without torture or irons, confessed that he stole four beavers belonging to the skipper, having previously committed other larcenies and having also been put ashore from the sloop De Eendracht on suspicion of theft; all of which sets an evil example and tends to the corruption of an entire state and can not be tolerated in a place where justice is maintained; therefore, we, administering justice, condemn the delinquent to be taken to the place where it is customary to execute justice and there to be beaten with rods as an example to other such persons; furthermore, he is hereby banished beyond the limits of New Netherland for the period of six years. Done the 3rd of November 1644.
November 10
Jan Schepmors says that Antony Pitersz and Symon Woutersz sold two beavers at his house. Anthony said, "They are not my beavers, but they belong to Symon." The next day they brought another beaver to his house and sold that one too. Schepmoes declares that he did not know that the beavers were stolen, as such goods constitute the current medium of exchange in this country.
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