Whereas the grist mill must be maintained at the Company's expense and yields little profit, it is, for the best advantage and benefit of the Company resolved to engage a miller at wages to be paid by the Company, provided that the toll for grinding shall be paid to the receiver of the Company's revenue; and whereas at present no better person than Abraham Pietersz from Haerlem is available, we have engaged him at fl. 40 per month, commencing on the date hereof. This 23rd of August anno 1648, at New Amsterdam.
The honorable director general requests in writing a decision in the case of Symon Courtbrandt.
The honorable courtmartial having seen the writing and request of the honorable director general, Symon Courtbrandt is examined and confesses that he wounded the gunner and ran away on that account. However, having appeared again on his own account and submitted himself to the merciful sentence of the honorable courtmartial, and satisfaction being made to the gunner, the aforesaid Symon Courtbrandt is condemned to ride the wooden horse for two hours a day for three consecutive days, and in case he again commit any offense he shall be punished according to martial law. This 4th of September 1648. The director absent. Present: L. van Dinckla[ gen ], La Montagne, Brian Nuton, lieutenant, G[ e ]orge Bacxter, ensign, and D: Litschoe, sergeant.
The honorable director general and council order that the goods belonging to the estates of Jan from Rotterdam and Pieter Colet be sold to the highest bidder by Jan Damen and Olof Stevensz, administrators, in the presence of Mr. Dincklagen and Mr. La Montagne. The 10th of September 1648. Present: P. Stuyvesant, L; van Dincklaghe, La Montagne, Paulus Leendersz.
[1]The honorable director general lays before the council a despatch dated the 4th of September, sent by Commissary van Brugge, regarding Commander Slechtenhorst in the colony of Rensselaerswyck, who contrary to our order and command proceeds with the building of the house near and under the walls of Fort Orange and within a pistol shot thereof. Resolved, therefore, that four to six soldiers be sent to the commissary for his assistance and better execution of his orders to demolish the house with the smallest loss to the owners, and in case Commander Slechtenhorst offer opposition Carel van Brugge shall arrest him in the most civil manner and detain him so long in confinement until he deliver to the commissary copies of his commission and instructions, with the declaration that he, the commander, has no other commission and instructions than those he shall then have exhibited. Thus done the 10th of September 1648. Present: the honorable director, L: van Dincklagen, La Montagne, Briant Nuton and Poulus Leendersz.
Matys Capita is engaged by the honorable director general and council as assistant commissary in the store in place of Pieter Antony, at fl. 18 a month and fl. 100 a year board money. This 10th of September 1648. Present: The honorable director, L: Dincklagen, La Montagne, Brian Nuton and Poulus Leendersz.
Proposition submitted by the honorable director general to the council on the 9th of September 1648[2]
Thus done and resolved in council, in Fort Amsterdam, in New Netherland, the 9th of September anno 1648. Was signed: P. Stuyvesant, L: van Dincklaghe, La Montagne, and Brian Newton.
Marretie Jans, widow of Dirck Cornelisz from Wensveen, appeared before the council and requested that the honorable director general and council legally appoint and commission two respectable men to be tutors and guardians of her minor son, named Cornelis Dircksz; not only to look after his person and education, but to take good care especially of the property and effects coming to her above named son by inheritance from his aforesaid father, deceased; to administer the same to the best advantage and profit of the aforesaid Cornelis Dircksz, and to keep and render thereof a correct account.
The honorable director general and council having seen and heard the reasonable request of Marretie Jans, widow of the said Dirck Cornlisz, the said director general and council have appointed and commissioned, as they do hereby appoint and commission, Michiel Jansz and Olof Stevensz, burghers and inhabitants of this city of New Amsterdam, to be guardians and tutors of the above named Cornelis Dircksz and all his property and effects, both here in New Netherland and elsewhere, who, having received the same under benefit of inventory, shall have legal administration of said property during the minority of Cornelis Dircksen, aforesaid, collect and pay all debts due to or by the estate, and perform all that upright and faithful guardians and administrators are allowed and bound to do; which they have sworn to do before the honorable director general and council. Thus done on the 14th of September anno 1648, in New Amsterdam, in New Netherland. Present: The honorable general, L: Dincklagen, La Montagne, B. Nuton and Poulus Leendersz.
[ Ordinance obliging Scotch merchants and petty traders to reside three years in New Netherland ] [3]
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 413-415.