On the 30th of November anno 1646
Jan Jacobsen from Haerlem, plaintiff, vs. Aeltjen Douwens, defendant, for slander. Aeltjen Douwens declares that she knows nothing about the wife of Jan Jacobsen that reflects on her honor or virtue. Ordered that Aeltjen Douwens shall not offend the wife of Jan Jacobsen any more; likewise, her opponent shall keep quiet.
Sybolt Claessen, plaintiff, vs. Jan Haes, defendant, for damage to clapboards. Jan Haes promises to deliver the clapboards to Sybolt Claessen before the next court day, which he is ordered to do on pain of imprisonment.
Dirck Volckertsz, plaintiff, vs. Jan Haes, defendant for damage done to plaintiff's house. Defendant says if plaintiff can prove that he knocked down any part of the framework of the roof of the house, he will build the same up again. Ordered that plaintiff shall prove his charge.
Joris Batselaer, plaintiff, vs. Jan Haes, defendant. Ordered that plaintiff shall prove his charges.
Having seen the petition of the schepens of Breuckelen, stating that it is impossible for them to take care of all the suits that occur there, especially as regards crimes of violence, or those concerning the impounding of cattle and other matters appertaining thereto which frequently occur in connection with farming, and that in order to prevent all disorder it would be necessary to appoint a sheriff (schout), for which office they propose the person of Jan Teunesen; therefore, we grant their request and authorize, as we do hereby, the person of Jan Teunesen to perform the duties of sheriff, to arrest delinquents with the advice of the schepens, to supervise the pound, to impound cattle, to collect fines and to do all that a faithful sheriff is bound to do. Whereupon, he has taken the oath before us and the honorable fiscal, to whom he shall be especially responsible, as in Holland the deputy-sheriffs are responsible to the sheriffs and the sheriffs to the bailiffs or marshals; and we hereby order and command all those who reside in the jurisdiction of Breuckelen to acknowledge the said Jan Teunesen as sheriff. Thus done in our council in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 1st of December anno 1646.
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