On [ Thur ]sday, [ April 8, 1638 ]
The Honorable Director Kieft and Council [ having considered the small number ] of councilors, have deemed it necessary to [ choose an ] experienced parson to strengthen their number [ and ] in consideration of the ability of Doctor Johannes [ la Montagnie ], the said Montagnie has therefore been appointed by us a political councilor of New Netherland at fl. 35 a [ month ], commencing on the date hereof.
In accordance with a certain document presented by the late Dire[ ctor ] van Twiller, it is resolved and concluded [ that the ] cattle on Farm No. 1 shall remain for the [ behoof ] of the said van Twiller, on condition that the cattle be not removed from the Man[ hates ], the present director to make an inventory of said cattle and the matter at issue to be referred to the honorable masters, the directors of the West India Company, chamber of Amsterdam.
Symen Dircksen from Durickerdam, engaged as skipper of the ship Harinck. shall receive wages according to the ship's articles.
Adriaen Dircksen, engaged as first mate, instead of Symen Jansen, shall receive wages as above.
Jan Syroensen from Amsterdam, engaged as second mate, ut supra.
The farmers on farms Nos. 4, 5 and 6 are granted permission to remove their cattle from said farms on condition that the same remain within the Jurisdiction of the Manhates, the council having "been unable to refuse them, in as much as others have heretofore been allowed to remove their cattle and the more so as no other cattle are to be had here.
Upon the request of Jacob Planck, officer of the colony of Mr. Renselaer, called Renselaerswyck, to be allowed to remove certain horses to the aforesaid colony. Whereas many cattle have heretofore been transported from the island of the Manhates and there are no other cattle at the Manhates except those on the farm of the late Director van Twiller, the other five farms being entirely vacant and stripped of animals and not fit for cultivation on account of lack of animals; therefore, the honorable director and council, after mature deliberation, have denied Planck his request and only granted him permission to remove a few goats.
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