Document: Examination of Thomas Forst and other soldiers

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Examination of Thomas Forst, and other soldiers touching certain proceedings of sheriff Van Sweringen.

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Interrogatory in which Tomes Forst, cadet in the service of the West India Company at Altena, was questioned, 29 July 1662.


Whether he, Tomes Vorst, was present when Schout van Sweeringen on 9 June, last past, demanded from the discharged soldiers, above on the river, two certain women who had run away from the colony?

Answers, yes, that he had been ordered to help bring the soldiers upriver, and that Schout van Sweeringen had demanded the runaway women.


Whether he heard what the discharged soldiers said in reply to the schout?

Answers that they replied to the schout that they were here, he could get them.


Whether he knew why the discharged soldiers pointed their weapons against the schout?

Answers that they saw the men in the boat preparing their weapons and passing out musket balls; and they heard Schout van Sweeringen say to his soldiers, "Make ready!" whereupon they also prepared themselves.


Whether he saw the discharged soldiers place in firing position an armed Indian who was among them?

Answers that there was an Indian with them; however, he was hired to accompany the discharged soldiers overland, and that he was not placed in position but that he sat in a tree a little distance away from them; and that he, Tomes Vorst, took the Indian's gun which was lying in the canoe and placed himself in position among the others. In token of the truth he, Tomes Vorst, has signed this with his usual signature. Done, as above, at Fort Altena, South River of New Netherland.

Tomas Forst

Interrogatory in which Brandt Hemmes, soldier in the serive of the West India Company at Altena, was questioned, 29 July 1662.


Whether he, Brandt Hemmes, was present when Schout van Sweeringe on 9 June, last past, demanded from the discharged soldiers, above on the river, two certain women who had run away from the colony?

Answers, yes, that he had been ordered to help bring the soldiers upriver; and that the schout, who was in his boat a certain distance away from them, asked, "Do you have women there who are runaways?" The reply was, "Yes"; the schout responded, "I have to have them," whereupon he was answered in the following manner, "If you want them, come and get them."


Whether he heard what the discharged soldiers said in reply to the schout?

Answers as before.


Whether he knew why the discharged soldiers pointed their weapons against the schout?

Answers because the soldiers in the boat made ready their guns and some blunderbusses at the schout's order. The schout reached in his bag and passed something out among the soldiers. There were eight people in number in the boat.


Whether he saw the discharged soldiers place in position an armed Indian, who was among them?

Answers that no Indian was placed in position among the discharged soldiers but that the Indian was with them, having been hired to accompany them overland. He was sitting in a tree a little distance away from them without his gun; and that Tomes Vorst had it.

The above written he, Brandt Hemmes, declares to be true and truthful, and in token of the truth has signed it with his hand. Dated as above, Altena.

The mark of Brandt Hemmes, done X himself.

Interrogatory in which Bartel Aersz, soldier and baker in the service of the West India Company at Altena, was questioned, 29 July 1662.


Whether he, Bartel Aersz, was present when Schout van Sweeringen on 9 June last past, demanded from the discharged soldiers, above on the river, two certain women who had run away?

Answers, yes, that he had been ordered to help bring the discharged soldiers upriver, and that the schout, who was in his boat a little distance away from them, asked, "Do you have two women there who are runaways?" The reply was, "Yes"; the schout said, "I have to have them back," he the aforesaid Bartelt Aertsz, being in the canoe, pointed with his finger and said, "There they are, come and get them."


Whether he heard what the discharged soldiers said in reply to the schout?

Answers as above


Whether he knew why the discharged soldiers pointed their weapons against the schout?

Answers because Schout van Sweeringe told the aforesaid to prepare themselves, and that his soldiers took up their weapons; and that the schout and Pieter Aldericx passed out musket balls among the soldiers.


Whether he saw the discharged soldiers place in position an armed Indian, who was among them?

Answers that no Indian among them was placed in position but that the Indian was with them, having been hired to accompany the discharged soldiers overland. He was sitting in a tree a little distance away from them; and that Tomes Vorst had the Indians gun.

He, Bartelt Aertsz, declares the aforesaid to be true and truthful, and in token of the truth has signed it with his hand. Dated as above, Altena.

Bartholmeus Aersz


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C. trans./ed., New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vols. 18-19, Delaware Papers: Dutch Period, 1648-1664 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1981).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Modern Location
Locations (Unlinked)
Fort Altena|South River of New Netherland
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Tomes Vorst|Thomas Forst|Gerrit van Sweringen|Brandt Hemmes|Bartel Aersz|Pieter Aldericx
Document Location