[1]February 15th 1652.
[ A committee of the Council having been appointed to examine a representation made by the Directors ] of the West India Company, [ wherein they ask for the honorable council's ] decision and advice, as to what to do in regard to some difficulties, which they complain, they encounter in the administration of New Netherland and the said committee having reported their remarks thereon,
Resolved to advise the directors as follows: First, the officers of the Company in New Netherland must resist with all proper force and means the violence and invasions of the Indians, who, they say, have for some time past murdered their subjects, captured children and stolen cattle; and for this reason they may enter into and make a pact in such manner, as they deem most beneficial for their own safety and reputation.
The deputies are of opinion that no deputy of their High Mightinesses has the right to grant safe-conducts, by which evil-minded persons, as mentioned in the remonstrance of the Directors, might gain an advantage over them and under the cover of which they can withdraw themselves from the allegiance andjurisdiction of the Company. It is contrary to the charter, which places the management of the Company's affairs in general into the hands of the Assembly of the XIX, while that of New Netherland, by resolution of the XIX, has been entrusted to the chamber of Amsterdam; therefore, notwithstanding a safe-conduct has been granted, proceedings, as authorized by law, may be instituted there against Dincklagen, Cornelis Melyn, Dirck van Schelluyne, Jacob van Couwenhoven and all others, who either avail themselves of these safe-conducts or else do not comply with the rules and orders of the Company. Should such proceedings be deemed improper, then the aforesaid persons shall be sent over here in irons, if they do not come willingly, to be examined and to answer for their actions.
The council, being specially inclined to promote the colonization of New Netherland, would learn with great pleasure, that their Noble High: Might: are willing to exempt tobacco, at least that grown in New Netherland and coming thence, from the duty and tax of the farmer.
And finally, the lords burgomasters or their deputies at 's-Gravenhage will assist with their good offices and all possible means, the directors of the West India Company, chamber of Amsterdam, in upholding their charter and in maintaining the preceding points by advocating their cause with the gentlemen of the government. Was signed:
Gerard Hulst
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