Document: Governor Eaton to Director General Stuyvesant

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Newhaven. Letter. Gov. Eaton to director Stuyvesant; asks safeguard for Mr. Westerhouse to visit the Manhattans, and;New Amsterdam. Letter. Director Stuyvesant to gov. Eaton; respecting the proposed meeting at Connecticut. [1648]

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Mr. Eaton's 2d Letter

[ Honoured Sir ]

[ In my last, by your secret[ary ], May the 31th, (48,) I exprest my full closing with the contents of yours dated May 28th, new stile. By letters from the Gouemor of the Massachusets, I am since informed that he had recd yours of Aprill the 3d & May the 24th, that with much content he intertaines your motion for a meeting & treaty att Conneticut, & vppon a retoume from the Gouemor of Plimmouth will more fully satisfie. In the me]ane tyme, I shall of[ fer to your consideration wheather by waye of preparation it may not ] Conduce to a more speedy and [ comfortable setling of things, if you thinke fitt to admit Mr. Will. We ]sterhowse to open his Cause, & speake in his o[ wne defence. Heatherto I suppose all intercourse hath bynne ] by messengers or letters, wherein there may be som[ thing mistaken or somthing omitted which might cleere or mi ]ttigate the offence or censure; if, therefore yow please [ to graunte him, by your letter to mee, or otherwise, as sh ]all seeme best to your selfe, a warrant, or safe Conduct to Come [ to the Manhataes, to stay there a conuenient tyme ], & againe thence to retoume in safetie, without molestation, either by land [ or watter, that hee may expresse & o ]pen the grownds of his former proceedings & present hopes to receiue a [ milder issue, (in a cause soe weighty and neerel ]ie Concerning him,) then the former sentence & execution importe, I sha[ ll advise him in that waye to attend yow wi ]th his first Conueniencie, I desire your answere, but to prevent mistakes sha[ ll assure yow, that though vppon different apprehensions yow for the present re ]fuse to heare or treat in this matter, yet on my parte, It shall neither hinder [ nor cast any new difficulties ] vppon the meeting propounded. I rest

Yours in all offices of neighbourlie Correspondence

[ Newhaven ] in New Engl:, June the [20th, 1648.] st. vet.

Theo: Eaton


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translated in: Correspondence, 1647-1653, trans. and ed. Charles T. Gehring ("New Netherland Documents Series") (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
Plimmouth|Massachusetts|New Amsterdam|New Haven
To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Petrus Stuyvesant
To Party 1 Entity
From Party 1
From Party 1 Text Unlinked
Governor Eaton
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