The Governor-General of N. Netherland having read and considered the petition of Myndert Fredricksen, Jan Hendricksen Bruyns, Volckert Jansen, Hans Hendricksen and Hans Dreper, in their own and in the name of their congregation of the Augsburg Confession at Willemstadt[1], requesting in substance free exercise of their religious worship, without let or hindrance, to the end that they may live in peace with their fellow burghers, etc.
It is ordered as follows:
The petitioners are granted and allowed their aforesaid request, on condition of comporting themselves peaceably and quietly without giving any offence to the congregation of the Reformed Religion, which is the State Church (de hoofft Kercke).
Dated Fort Willem Hendrick, this 26th September 1673.
This day hath Hendrick van Borsum contracted to serve the Honorable Governor as carpenter for the period of one current year, commencing tomorrow; for which service he shall receive a salary of fl. 30 a month,[2] without board, payable in Holland, or here in Holland currency, at the choice of said Van Borsum; but whenever he shall be sent to work without the city he shall be provided with victuals. 26th September, 1673.
Adrian Janssen van Westerhout is this day hired by the Honorable Governor as carpenter to the first of May next and 2 @ 3 months, more or less, on the foregoing conditions.
John Sharpe appearing requests a passport for himself and some of his goods, to depart agreeably to the Commanders' orders; which is allowed him and passport granted.
Captain Willeth requests to get his arrested goods on giving security; which is for the present refused.
Commander Alrighs is this day authorized to enlist 10 @ 12 soldiers on government account, including 2 corporals, whose ordinary pay shall be:
One corporal, 48 stivers Hollands per week.
One private, 35 stivers per week.
6 lbs. of beef, or 3 1/2 lbs. of pork, per week.
6 lbs. of rye bread per week.
1/2 lb. of butter per week.
1/2 barrel of small beer for 7 men per week.
1 skepel of peas per month.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.1.