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Verbeeck [ J Sander Leendertsen, Frans Barentsen, deputies of the honorable court of Fort Orange and Beverwijck, by which they are to regulate themselves.
First, that they shall request, in all humility, of the honorable lord general and their honors of the high council of this country to be provided with a provisional commissary and president of this bench, whereas the one we have here has had his memory stricken, God preserve, and the burghers here have been suffering for a period of time with no officer presiding over law and justice; and whereas now daily there is much to do, the honorable commissioners are to propose, as already stated, that one be appointed to preside in his place until such time that the merciful God may give this commissary relief.
Second, that the aforesaid honorable commissioners shall have to request and importune the maintenance of the farming out beyond these boundaries, by public bidding farmed out to the impost master Marcelis Jansen, or otherwise shall make a strong claim for the same; and if it be the case that it is not so maintained, we not only will be held up to mockery and disparagement, but also to vilification by the high administration of this province, by whose order and instructions such was done.
Third, to see about a strong ordinance for up here concerning the going into the woods of the Dutch in order to [ ] the Indians with [ ]
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what pretext it [ ] to send into the woods in order to entice [ ] the Indians with their beavers; also, not to sent any signals to them [ ] not detaining the Indians with their beavers against their will, but let them go freely where they want; also, to give them no gifts of great value, because by this and many other things, as stated above, much insolence and great disunity arises, as we have not only experienced in the past but now daily.
Also, that the Dutch shall not call from the houses standing at the hill where the Indians have to pass through, whether they be Christians or their Indian brokers, but to let them go where they see fit. That the clerk and court messenger, Pieter Rijverdingh may draw for his subsistence from an amount set at the discretion of their honors on the goods of one or another merchant, provided that the same is included in the recognition fee. Done this 10 June in Fort Orange (was signed:) Jan Thomassen, Pieter Hartgers and Volckert Jansen.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 6.