Document: Instructions to vice-director Beeckman

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Instructions to vice-director Beeckman.

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[ Arrived at the South River he shall for the present, as the Company has not ] reserved [ a house or a lot in the colony, and ] provisionally [ take his quarters in the buildings ] of Fort [ Altena, but because he must reside ] frequently in or near Nieuwer Amstel, especially [ upon the arrival ] and discharging of ships, [ he ] shall at the first opportunity look out for a suitable room or house there and try to rent that for the term of one year at a reasonable price, at the expense of the Company.[i]


Upon the arrival of any city or other ships, yachts, or vessels of whatever nation they may be, he shall take care always to be at or near fort Nieuwer Amstel [ either ] on time, before their arrival, or definitely before their unloading, in order to closely watch the loading and unloading, and in no way allow that any goods or merchandise are unloaded or loaded or put aboard the ships, unless they were inspected by him beforehand, and it is clear to him that the lawful recognition fee thereon was paid in the fatherland, or will be paid here at the Company’s office, so that the Company will not be deprived of its revenues.


In order that this may be carried out more effectively and all smuggling prevented, he shall place a guard of the honorable Company’s military either under] his own [ command or under a sergeant or other suitable officer ] of the Company [ on board of such ships, barks, or yachts, while they discharge and load. ]


Upon discovery and seizure of any contraband goods, he shall, in his capacity of auditor, have them seized or arrested in accordance with the placards issued by the director general and councilors of New Netherland, and provisionally, until further orders, institute legal proceedings against the smugglers and offenders before the city director and councilors there, whose judgment and sentence he shall await. In case he will find himself injured therein on account of the law and authority of the Company and its supreme government here (whom he must always uphold with respect in the highest regard) he is allowed to properly lodge an appeal against the pronounced judgment.


Of all smuggled and confiscated goods and merchandise, discovered, seized, and proceeded against by his industry and diligence, as well as of the penalties and fines thereon, he shall have and enjoy his proper share and part agreeable to the judgment and discretion of the director general and councilors. To this end he shall keep the smuggled and confiscated goods in safe storage [until such time and opportunity that he can send them here, or according to circumstances give advice and information thereof to the director general and councilors.


He shall further have at the said South River of New Netherland, except in the district of the colony of New Amstel,] provisionally [ highest authority ] over the honorable Company’s [ officers, who ] under all circumstances [ shall assist him in ] carrying out [ this instruction, ] also over the free men of whatever nation they may be; he shall keep the former in good order and discipline and among the others he shall, to the best of his knowledge, maintain and exercise good law and justice in civil as well as in military cases; also in criminal cases of minor degree, and this in accordance with the instructions previously given either to the former commies or to the Swedish nation, as far as they concern justice. These instructions will be augmented according to circumstances and on his further advice, as the situation may require. Until this time he shall employ for the administration of justice the schout and commissaries previously appointed among the Swedish nation.


Whereas upon the further request of its commissaries the honorable lords directors thought it useful to enlarge the colony of the city of Amsterdam and favor it with the land from Boompjeshoeck [ii] southward to Cabo Hindloopen, and whereas consequently they authorized and ordered us to acquire the said territory by purchase from the lawful owners, he is especially urged and ordered to [ inform himself, ] with the advice and knowledge of Mr. Jacob Alrichs or whomever he may want to qualify thereto, [ who are the lawful owners of the aforesaid territory and to hear what their claims and demands for the same may be; and, if he finds them reasonable, to make an agreement with them or else make a report to us about it; if, however, the said Mr. Alrichs should be inclined and have an opportunity to build some ] fortifications or [ erect some buildings near Cape Henlopen or on the Horekil before winter, then he is ] specially authorized [ and directed to buy the ] land necessary thereto, for which proper letters of conveyance will be issued upon a more detailed report of its [ extent ] and situation.


Immediately upon his arrival there he shall make a proper inventory of all the honorable Company’s property and send it here at the first opportunity.

At the first opportunity he shall send over a proper list of the cattle and horses left there by the Swedish officers upon their departure, [ stating ] how many were there, and where they have ended up.

He shall also examine as closely as possible the quantity and quality of the artillery in Fort Nieuwer Amstel, especially its weight or heaviness, as well as the other materials received and enjoyed by Mr. Jacob Alrichs from the Company for the use of the city of Amsterdam, and inform us about it at the first opportunity that presents itself. Thus done and given at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, the 28th of October 1658.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 8.

Translation Superscripts
[i]: Recovered text from translation in NYCD 12:220–222.
[ii]: Bombay Hook, Delaware.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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