Document: Inventory and bill of sale of the ship Abrahams Offerhande

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Inventory of the armament and other articles belonging to the ship Abraham's Sacrifice, with bill of sale of said ship, to Thomas Willett, of New Plymouth, merchant. [1655]

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Inventory of the property which I, skipper Claes Cornelisz, found on the ship De Offerhande Abrahams, the 21st of October anno 16551 main sail2 foresails with a bonnet1 main topsail1 fore topsail1 spritsail, good and bad as it is1 mizzen1 prince’s flag1 Jack3 anchors3 cables1 horselineSome old loose ropes1 bundle of match1 dipping pan1 gridiron1 keg with some powder2 iron 3 pounders1 ladle and 1 sponge2 small pedereros with 3 chambers1 worm6 cannon balls3 muskets1 powder horn2 copper kettles1 brass pot1 dishing out spoon1 skimmer1 frying pan1 scraper2 cartridge tubes1 tub with blacking1 dozen wooden bowls6 plates30 lbs. Of ( )2 pewter dishes1 pewter basin1 pewter dipping bowl1 pewter wine cup4 compasses3 night hour glasses1 captain's glass running two hours6 [ ] spars of all sorts1 tin lamp1 lamp in the watch house3 marling spikes1 piece of pump leather1 boat line with a lead1 maul1 axe1 kedge anchor

On the 23d of October of this year 1655, the undersigned commissaries appointed by the honorable director general in the name of the honorable directors of the West India Company, of the one part, and Capt Tomas Willeth, of Plymouth in New England, merchant, of the other part, have agreed about the purchase of the little ship Abraham's Offerhande according to the preceding Inventory, to wit:

That the aforesaid ship and the articles enumerated in the inventory shall be delivered to the aforesaid Tomas Willeth, who shall be held free of all claims thereto to be made by any one in the world and in all ports and harbors by peoples who are in alliance with the State of the Netherlands. For which ship and furniture above mentioned Mr. Willeth promises to pay for account of the said Company the sum of thirty-three hundred and fifty guilders, payable in good beef and pork, to wit, the fresh unsalted beef and pork to be delivered here at the Manhatans, clean on the hook, at three and a half stivers a pound, ox beef, and good pork at four and a half stivers a pound; the salt beef in barrels at four stivers and salt pork in barrels at five stivers; it being understood that the half of the said purchase money must be paid in the above named provisions, all in good condition, before this winter, and the other half in the spring, in the month of April. In token of the truth this is signed by us, the parties on both sides, on the date above written. It is also agreed that the Prince's flags shall be retained by the honorable Company, provided that so much bunting shall be delivered to Mr. Willeth as is necessary to make an English flag. Ady ut supra.

Tho: Willett
P Stuyvesantvt.
Isaac Allerton


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 3, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1648-1660 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Property Type
Property Type
Ship Mentioned (Unlinked)
Abrahams Offerhande
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