Document: Inventory of the personal estate of Jan Jansen Damen

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Inventory of the estate of Jan Jansen Damen, deceased. [1651]

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Inventory of the personal estate left by Jan Jansen Damen,deceased on the 18th of June, as found by the honorable Mr. LaMontagne and the respective curators, viz: Jacob van Curlaer and Tomas Hall, in the presence of the subscribing witnesses,this 6th of July 1651, as follows:

In the large front room

7 pictures on paper in wooden framesOne common looking-glass
2 snaphances
1 firelock
1 rapier
1 large powder horn
2 clothes brushes
1 wooden pepperbox
2 sieves1 pair of new shoes
One wooden candle box
One wooden inkstand
2 brass wreaths(Copere Cransen)
One traveling bag
One folio Bible
One chronicle
One old quarto Bible
One cellaret with 12 bottles, empty
6 chair cussions of green cloth
One single bed and bolster, old
One double bed and bolster
4 pillows
2 green blankets
One white woolen blanket
2 white linen sheets
One bolster
One brass warming pan
One pewter chamberpot

One blue chest wherein:
14 white linen sheets, good and bad
16 pillow slips, mostly old3 table cloths
10 napkins
7 towels
About 2 ells of new linen
8 (Shirts, good and bad
1 pair of linen[1] underdrawers3 cravats6 men's night caps of printed calico, mostly old1 pr. colored and 1 pr. white knit stockings1 linen band3 black handled knives1 remnant of colored bombazine1 remnant of white stuff2 remnants or strips of canvas¾ ell of bedticking3 doz. pewter and 3 doz. brass buttons6 pocket handkerchiefs, of which one is new and 1 coloredfl. 9" 2 in doits and farthings3 pieces of eight25½ stivers in specieOne little sack with two Indian bags containing fl. 275 in wampum as mentioned belowOne hat box containing 2 black hats, one of which belongs to Pieter StoutenborghOn the bed: one canvas coverletOne colored bombazine coverletOne red cloth waistcoatOne sealed chest containing:5 linen bands3 cravats22½ ells of black taffetaAbout one pound of blue Spanish silkAbout one pound of red dittoOne pound of flesh-colored dittoOne colored cloth coat, newOne old cotton quiltfl. 156"12 in single shillings @ 6 stiversfl. 5"10 in specieFive pieces of eightOne ducatoonSix rixdollars19½ shillings in silver coin37 quarter pieces of eightTwo half rixdollarsfl. 5 in speciefl. 275 in wampum @ 6 for one stiver,whereof fl.66 were left in the hands ofJan Vinje for the harvest

One silver wine cup
2 silver plated spoons½ beaver

In a chest, being sealed
Some letters and papers
One shirt1
3 pairs of Faroe stockings
2 pieces of linen
1 piece of fine linen
1 piece of canvas
1 new crimson waistcoat
1 suit of colored bombazine clothes
1 suit of colored cloth with a narrow braid
1 suit of black cloth
1 remnant of cloth
4 blue and 1 striped pocket handkerchiefs
1 pair of colored say stockings
1 pillow slip
1 red night cap
15 black handled knives
1 silver plated goblet
6 silver plated spoons
One colored cloth coat, nearly new
One pair of linen breeches
3 linen bands
2 bullet and one shot mold
1 gimlet
1 dozen auger bits
1 pound of yarn
4 pieces of lace
1 cotton cravat
2 printed men's caps
3 brass snuffers
1 tin grater
1 Iron hammer
As much black silk and green lining as are needed for a gown
Black wollen stuff for a short cloak, with the necessary black lining and silk braid and back satin

One colored cloth dress, half wornOne wooden benchOne pewter flask,One cot

In a chest, being sealed
20 shirtsOne piece and one remnant of linen2 pairs of Spanish leather men's shoes2 pairs of Spanish leather2 pairs of dried leather[2] women' shoes2 pairs of dried leather men's shoesOne tick for a bed2 brass cocksOne dozen pewter spoons2 reels of spun cotton2 pewter cups1 pair of men's slippers1 pair of women's slippers2 whetstones for the mowers2 scissors for linen12 doz. yarn laces2 new augersOne small table with a cover on itOne churn with its outfitOne firmer chiselOne gougeOne mortise chisel

In the entrance hall One pewter vaen[3] measureOne Pewter half-pint measureOne pewter flagon with a lidOne tin lantern

One iron potOne small looking-glassOne pewter basin2 pewter pint measures6 copper kettles, large and small1 large and 1 small brass pan1 earthen jug1 sieve4 water pails4 small milk tubsOne salt cellarOne pewter funnel without pipeOne pothangerOne pothook2 andironsOne old sugar box5 wooden dinner plates3 brass candlesticks9 pewter porringers1 skimmer1 pewter jug holding two vaens1 pewter half flagon with a lid1 pewter mug1 salt cellar1 new pewter funnel15 pewter plates1 small pewter bowl1 large pewter bowl1 earthen bowl9 pewter dishes2 small spoon bitsTwo green curtains with an old rug for a bedsteadOne brass candlestick with a handle9 earthen dishes2 copper potllds1 iron candlestick2 sconces1 ash shovel1 pair of tongs22 pewter spoons1 gun at Dirck Noorman's to have a stock made1 small table cover1 pothook

[ 87d(2) ] One chest in the entrance hall containing:
6 whole and one ¾ winter beaver skins
One remnant of new linen, 11 ells longOne ditto, 19 ells longOne ditto, long 16 ells, scantOne ditto narrow linen-13 ells, scantOne remnant of linen-5 ellsOne pair of white leather shoes

In the pantry 4 wooden butter molds2 wooden pint measures for milk2 copper griddles for pancakes1 ditto stewpanOne iron mortarOne bellows2 pewter platters2 earthen dishesOne small syringeOne pair of scales with 4 lb, 10 lb and 1 pound weightsOne cutting bladeOne sawOne gridiron

In the cellar under the house
2 beer beer barrels8 beer half-barrels1 box of candles3 butter tubs1 barrel of black beer2 meat tubs2 other tubs3 brass cocks1 tap auger1 earthen pot1 small earthen pot

The 7th of July 1651. Present the Hon. Mr. La Montagne, Jacob van Corlaer, Cornelis Aertsen and Jan Cornelissen Buys[4]

In the rear part of the house or the barn
2 half sacks of hops as they have just come from Holland1 beer half-barrel3 old chairs3 empty boxes1 keg full of nails1 old grain sieve1 iron spade2 whips2 scythe snaths1 cutting box and one blade2 pitch forks1 meat fork1 beer pole and sling2 new plow shares with haspOne dung fork and one dung hookOne wooden rakeOne axe2 iron wedges22 vims [5] of barley12½ vims dittotogether in the rick 1 flail1 bed with a pillowIron hoops for a pailOne cross cut saw3 Flemish scythes2 scythe handles2 reaping hooks

On the loft 138 schepels of barley malt[6] 64 schepels of barley malt40 schepels of wheat17 schepels of rye5 schepels of oats10 new Flemish scythes12 old Flemish scythes3 new scythe blades3 grain cutters3 sickles1 new hatchet1 new adze1 old scythe blade1 bundle of straps and hinges for the flails9 scrubbing brushes8 round brushes1 new winnowing basket2 barrels with a little wheat and corn feed for poultry1 old winnowing basket1 iron bound churn full of hops1 barrel half full of corn1 meat tub1 beam and scales1 iron maul1 small tub with old iron22½ ells of hairclothOne cask with two iron hoops2 bags of hops, about 40 lb in all1 empty caskAbout 40 ells more of haircloth½ doz. Whetstones2 grain sieve skinsOne rapier blade on a stick4 bags of flour for breadOne schepel measure2 grain scoops5 hames, newSome iron hoops and rubbishOne dry caskOne cask with iron hoops containing 2 schepels of ryeOne ditto containing 3 schepels of peasOne winnowing basket12 Flemish scythe handles2 iron shod wooden shovels1½ dot. flail caps2 baskets, wherein, new,1 piece of hay wagon rope6 hames1 piece of wagon line2 pieces of cow line4 bundles of traces6 bundles of thin plow line½ bundle of traces1 bundle of wagon line2 bundles of halter rope2 skeins of three-ply twine1 skein of mending thread1 haywagon rope


One gelding, 7 years oldOne mare, 4 years oldOne 12 year old mare with a young filly1 yearling mare6 milch cows4 heifers, 3 of which are 2 years and 1 one year old1 two year old bull1 three year old ox3 bull calves1 heifer calfof this year2 barrow pigs, 1½ years old2 sows, ditto1 barrow and 1 boar, ½ year old7 pigs, two months old, of which 3 are females and 4 malesOne wagon and its appurtenances, nearly worn outTwo plow's, completeOne harrow with iron teethTwo harrows with wooden teethOne wheelbarrowOne scoopOne dry caskOne iron pump rodOne beer sleighOne full beer barrelOne iron bound bucket near the well before the house2 old laddersOne wood sleighOne grindstone and its belongingsOne yoke

In the brewery
One kettle of about 5 tuns capacityOne cooling vatOne receiving vatOne wort tub4 half barrels6 half barrels partly filled with beer2 beer stillings7 shallow tubs under the beer [ taps ] One malt [ box ] One funnel3 vessels under the taps of the vats2 old hop basketsOne [ strainer? ] with an old haircloth on itOne wooden rake to stir the grainOne malting floorOne pair of iron tongsOne horse shoe to brand the casksOne ditto for marking6 brew sacksOne new vat for draff

La Montagne
Jacobus van Curler
Cornelis Aertsen
Jan Cornelisen Buys
Hendrick Jansen
Jacob Kip

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Gaensoogse; literally, goose-eyed, round figures resembling goose eyes.
[2]: Raw hide?
[3]: One vaen equals about five quarts.
[4]: The name of Jan Cornelissen Buys is crossed out.
[5]: One vim = 104 sheaves.
[6]: A record of the number of schepels of barley, wheat, rye and oats in the form of a tally sheet is omitted here.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 3, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1648-1660 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.

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