[Honor’d Sr.[i]
After our humble duties, It is not vnknowne vnto yor hors owr Sufferings by the Indians, who hold vs in Suspence by theire delayes and wee cannot gett them to shew us the bounds of]
our Lands, whereby [ there is much difference amongst oure ] Selves, Concerning our proportions, [ for we cannot have ] Justice, untill they have done us righte [ And Layde out ]
the Generall bounds, And now of Late they have [donn vs much mischief by killing our Swine and chasing oure Cattle, there is one of the Inhabitants, as namely John Smith, that
of Late hath Suffered the Loss for 30 or 40£ in Swine wch he found killed and hurt in theire quarters, And being mett together this day, wee have founde it requisite, to make our grievances knowne, And humbly to Crave redress
and yor hors directions, for ye future, how to save our Selves harmles, for yf there be not A remedy found to redres these Injuries, they will make vs A poore
People; Further wee humbly desire to know, when yor hor wilbee pleased to Accept yor payment Concerning Mr. Dentons quarterage, and to desire you to Accept of Oates & some wheate wch is ye best payment
that wee are able to make: herwth desiring God to
Bless and preserve yor hor wth increase of much happiness
we remain
[ Hemste ]ed, this Ever honored Sr
[ Xbre ] 1657. Youre obedient Servants
for ye publick John James towne Clerck.
[several lines lost] [addressed to:] hon
Peter Steph van
Sant Govern and Capt
Generall of Newnether Lands resident at Mannahatens
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 8.