Document: Letter | Letter to Director General and Council to Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the sheet piling along the East

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|Letter |Letter to Director General and Council to Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the sheet piling along the East||River|Extract |From the register of resolutions of Director General and Council; continuing the present Burgomasters and Schepenen in office; and appointing Willem Beeckman and Hendrick Hendricksen Kip as new Schepenen

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To the Right Honble the Director General and Supreme Council of New Netherland.

Whereas the bank on the East River, near the City gate,* is in bad condition, it becomes necessary, that it be looked to and strengthened, therefore the Honble Burgomasters of this City have concluded and resolved to have constructed there a firm sheeting of thick plank or boards, to begin the same at the point of the old City Works, which lie thereby, and again to raise up the fence; also a large and suitable gate according to the plan and design of Capt. Coninck and already begun to be fixed in the works, and that the same shall be executed with all possible speed and without any delay or alteration.

Secondly, resolved that the sheeting before the City Hall shall be renewed with thick plank or boards, like the other work at the gate aforesaid according to the plan of Capt. Coninck, and that the same shall have its full effect. Done in the Court of the Honble Burgomasters of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland. This first February 1656.

Allard Anthony, Oloff Stevensen.

*In Pearl Street at the N. E. side of Wall.


To Party 1
To Party 2
To Party 2 Text Unlinked
Hendrick Hendricksen Kip
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