Document: Letter from the recorder and constable complaining of those of Southampton

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Letter from the recorder and constable complaining of those of Southampton

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Honored Sirs —The Occasion of our writing is upon Information of some actings with Respect to the answer we very lately sent by our Messengers which wee are much troubled at wee Sent a letter to you subscribed by our Recorders hand which wee sealed, which letter we vnderstand was opened at Southampton before it was delivered & read to severall there with severall Railing Expressions as wee are informed against it whereuppon our Messengers took upon them the boldnesse to forme another our Main Argument being taken out which was (that there was not the general Concurrence of the other townes with Respect to ye government as we Expected Etz) as also Etc: the truth is this is it not the first tijme wee have had our letters opened & stopt at Southampton and many threatning Expressions have proceeded from severall disaffected persons there with Respect to our Submission to your government what we have yeilded Vnto we hope we shall never denij as some doe but shall owne & stand bij what our deputy or deputies have Transacted with you but as Matters are in this Confused way we know not which way to take desiring to approve our Selves honest in the[1] of all men had ye Come heather to us with your Commission wee should have imparted more of our minds to you &we hope to such good Satisfaction to the government that they would see no Cause to lay Blame uppon us, & that the Innocent may not suffer with the Nocent we Vnderstanding that ye were to goe on your Journey Spidely & being late in the Night Could not Enlarge nor gett the Towne together but so many as Could have Consulted & made bold to send these few Lines as a hint how Matters are with us. Soe wee Remaine yours to Serve

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.1.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Sic. — Ed.
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