Document: List of papers sent from the directors at Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant

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List of 37 papers sent with the preceding letters from the directors to Stuyvesant.

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List of papers in this file.

No. 1 Two depositions against Melijn by Grasmeer and Mic[ hiel ] Bergier van Angoulesme.

No. 2 Recommendation and extract from the resolutions of the council of Amsterdam against the criminals and the petition submitted to the regents of the city of Amsterdam by the directors.

No. 3 Permit to sail to Angola.

No. 4 List of dyewood [ ] by Huysingh.

No. 5 Cap[ ] dated 4 April 1652 [ ].

No. 6 [ ] two letters [ ] to the aforesaid lords[ ].

No. 7 Copy of letter [ ].

No. 8 Commission for [ ].

No. 9 Provisional [ ].

No. 10 Letter from the honorable [ ] has been allowed [ ] of Beeck that [ ].

No. 11 Extract from the [ ].

No. 12 Letter of the [ ] to the honorable Lord [ ].

[ No. 13 ] Copy of the contract [ ] lords directors make with all the skippers who sail to New Netherland.

[ No. 14 ] Copy of a translation of the letter send by the village of Gra[ vesande ] to the honorable lords directors, dated 27 December [ ].

[ No. 15 ] Protest made by Johannes van Rensselaer, patroon of Colonie Rensselaerswijck to the the honorable lords directors dated Decem­ ber 1652 concerning the proceedings of the honorable Petrus Stuyvesant against the Colonie Rensselaerswijck.

[ No. 16 ] Copy of a petition submitted to the honorable lords directors [ ] Amsterdam by the partners of the small ship [ ] concerning the confiscation of some cargo [ ] lords directors recommendation on the same [ ].

[ No. 17 ] Muyschart to the honorable lords [ ] requesting a recommendation [ ] the honorable lords directors [ ].

[ No. 18 ] [ ] der Donck submitted to the [ ] requesting a passport [ ] to depart [ ].

{No. 19] [ ] van der Donck to the honorable lords [ ] [ ] have run away.

[ No. 20 ] [ ] van der Donck to the honorable lords [ ] [ ] requesting [ ] the flats and [ ] located on the [ ]gh Kil.

[ No. 21 ] [ ] the honorable lords directors [ ] [ ] by Wouter van [ ].

[ No. 22 ] [ ] lords directors [ ]. Verbruggen in company [ ] to New Netherland [ ] cargo free of [ ] much without duty.

No. 23 Extract from the resolutions of the honorable lords directors, dated 29 April 1652, whereby Marcus Vogelsangh is granted a suitable place for a ship-repair dock, shed and house; and a letter from the honorable lords directors stating such.

No. 24 The following extracts of resolutions of the honorable lords directors are contained herein:

Extract dated 4 March 1652 in which Jacob Baselier is granted 500 morgens of land on Long Island.

Extract dated 9 April 1652 which indicates that two months' salary has been paid for M[ ]Barents, the wife of Andries Baerents, soldier at the sc[ ] and has been resolved for another two months.

Extract dated 18 April 1653 is the resolution for permission of land to Geraerd Smit and Cruip, as previously noted under No. 10.

Extract whereby Sr. Gilles Verbruggen, [ Jan van ] Hardenberch and Wouter van Twiller are permitted to come to an agreement in New Netherland concerning overpayment for mechantible beavers in [ years.

Extract dated 22 April 1652 whereby Rey St[ offelsz? ] requests payment for delivered wheat; referred back to New Netherland to the honorable director general.

Extract dated 25 April 1652 whereby Claes Jansen Backer requests the Company, it is referred back to the honorable general and councilors in New Netherland.

Extract dated as above whereby Adriaen Jansen, pilot on the ship the Hoff van Cleeff is granted free [ ] concerning the accident that he had in New Netherland the year 16[ ] with the shooting of the skipper by the untimely discharge of his musket.

Extract dated 29 April 1652 is the same as under no. 23 with regard to providing Marcus Vogelsangh with a suitable place for a shiprepair dock and a shed.

Extract dated 2 May 1652 whereby, upon the petition of Frederick Mansfelt, father-in-law of Francois Fyn, it was resolved that if the Company suffered no disadvantage or damage by giving away Hog Island [ Varckens Eylant ], then make it available to Francois Fyn.

Extract dated 10 May 1652 whereby the owners of the ship the Huys van Breda remonstrate that they shall be shortchanged if they have to accept the pieces of eight at three guilders in New Netherland in payment of freight; their request for remediation of the same is referred tothe director general and councilors in New Netherland.

No. 25 Extract from the register of resolutions recorded by the commis­ sioned directors of the West India Company in The Hague dated 15 September 1653 concerning privateering or sailing with commission in order to encourage everyone to equip a ship or ships to cause damage to the Portuguese at this point in time.

No. 26 Extract from the register of resolutions of the honorable lords directors dated 19 November 1654 whereby Jan de Sweers and Dirck Pietersen Witte Paert are premitted to fetch slaves from Africa and trade them in New Netherland.

No. 27 Digest from the letters of the burgomasters and schepens of the this city, without date, to the lords directors; and the lords directors' reply thereto.

No. 28 Letter dated 2 April 1654 sent by the lord Luycas Rodenborch to the lords directors.

No. 29 Reply of the honorable lords directors dated 7 July 1654 to the letter of the lord Luycas Rodenborch, provisional director at Curaçao.

No. 30 Correspondence of their honorable High and Mighty Lords, the States General regarding the peace, union and confederation made and concluded between the Republic of England and their High and Mighty States General of the United Netherlands.

No. 31 Copy of a letter to the burgomasters of this city and to the respective colonies and jurisdictions of this province by the lords direc­ tors via the ship the Waagh.

No. 32 Extract from the resolutions of the honorable lords directors, serving as instructions of the captain of the ship the Waagh, named Fredrick Coninck.

No. 33 Extract from the resolutions concerning the appoval given to the skipper of the ship Nieuw Amsterdam to be allowed to cross over from there to France.

No. 34 Copy of a letter with the manifest of the necessities sent to Luycas Rodenborch, vice director on the island of Curacao by the honorable lords directors.

No. 35 Provisional instructions drafted for the schout of the city of New Amsterdam.

No. 36 Letter of the burgomasters and regents of the city of Amsteram dated 27 May 1655 concerning the almshouse children who arrived here aboard the ship the Waegh.

No. 37 A false and spurious story called the second part of the Amboyna Tragedy, printed in London.[1]

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source:New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial administrative correspondence, 1646-1664. Series A1810-78. Volume 12, document 26, page 1, side 1.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: See Correspondence, 1647-1653, 233-35 for this document.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translated in: Correspondence, 1647-1653, trans. and ed. Charles T. Gehring ("New Netherland Documents Series") (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
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To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Petrus Stuyvesant
To Party 1 Entity
From Party 1
From Party 1 Text Unlinked
Directors at Amsterdam
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