Document: Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters

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Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Orphan Masters |List||Note|Of the signing by Tomas Franzen karreman of a declaration regarding the maternal inheritance of his minor children ||Proceeding|Estate of Jan Jansen Hagenaar; appearance of guardians Isaack Grevenraat and Hendrick Obe as to disagreement among the children about the inheritance; promise of oldest son Jeremias Janzen Hagenaar to live with his brother and sister in the parental house |Request|Hendrick Obe and Bartholdus Maan; guardians of Jan; child of Gerrit Hendricksen van Harderwijck; for him to be turned over to the care of the deaconry; to be communicated |Appearance|Reintje Pieters van Bolsaart; surety promised prior to his departure

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