In Council, this 9th of October, 1673:
Present— Governor Anthony Colve and Councillor Cornelis Steenwyck.
The Burgomasters of this city entering, report in writing the answer the owners of the houses and lots situate under the walls of Fort Willeim Hendrick and city New Orange, have given respecting the demolition and removal of their said houses and lots; which answer being read, it is resolved that the Governor and Council shall summon said owners to-morrow in the presence of the Burgomasters, and explain to them the necessity of the removal and promise to indemnify them for the loss of their ground and the removal of their houses on the valuation of arbitrators; to which end it is resolved to lay an extraordinary duly on the following:
On exported beavers and peltries, 2 1/2 per cent.
On imported blankets and duflels, 2 per cent.
On imported wines, brandies, distilled liquors, rum, powder, lead and guns, 5 per cent.
At a Meeting holden in the City Hall of the city New Orange, the 10th of October, 1673:
Pursuant to the resolution adopted yesterday, the persons whose houses and lots have been ordered removed are summoned to the meeting. The same being submitted by the Governor to each in particular, they answered as follows:
Gerrit Janssen Roos, having already removed his house, is promised to be indemnified for his lot and moving on the valuation of arbitrators, with which he is satisfied.Willem van Vreedenburgh, having removed his house is, in like manner, promised satisfaction, with which he too is satisfied. Johannes van Brugh and Sara van Borsum are promised indemnity for their lots, with which they are content.Peter de Riemer is willing to remove his house, but requests Muyen's lot or one at the Water side instead.Lodewyck Pos requests the house next the City Hall; otherwise 'twill be impossible for him to move.Jacobus van de Water requests Pattison's house in Pearl-street, or a lot as near his former residence as possible, with satisfaction.George Cobbet says, he is unable to move unless assisted.Jan Dircksen Meyer says, he knows not whither to turn, but finally requests a lot behind The Five Houses in Bridge-street.Andrew Meyer in like manner requests a lot there.Gerritt Hendricks, butcher, says, he has been ruined by the English and is unable to move; requests help and assistance.Peter Janssen Slott, by his father, requests a lot behind the City Hall.Simon Blanck requests accommodation for the winter, as his house cannot be moved; asks a lot behind The Five Houses.Peter Stoutenburgh, absent.Marten Jansen Meyer says, he is not able to move; is offered the lot next to Kip in the valley, or recommended to look up another.Lysbeth Tyssen is told that her small houses will be examined, to see whether they cannot be spared.Peter Harmensen's little house is in like manner to be examined.Peter Jansen Mesier requests a place on the Water side; otherwise cannot remove.Ephraim Hermans requests satisfaction with others.Doctor Taylor's wife says, that her husband is willing to risk his house, and to abide the result.
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