Document: Minute of the capture of sundry New England vessels

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Minute of the capture of sundry New England vessels

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At a Council in Fort Willem Hendrick, 26th May, 1674,

Captain Cornelis Ewoutse being arrived here this day with his Snow, the Zeehont, reports having captured on the coast of New England three small new England prizes, to wit: on the 11/21 instant, a sloop laden with grain, and on the 13/23 instant a sloop and a ketch laden with tobacco, and hath brought the two sloops in here, and expects the ketch hourly; says also, he brought the skippers of all these vessels here, who being sent for and questioned, declare as follows:Samuel Woodberry of Swansy, skipper of sloop Swan declares said sloop to be the property of himself and John Dixy's widow residing at Swansy; that he loaded at Milfort and sailed thence on Thursday the 9/19 instant for Swansy, and was taken by Captain Cornelis Ewoutsen near Prudence Island; declares the account of his cargo is in his chest on board, and guesses his cargo consists

Richard Pattishall, skipper of the sloop Egmond and Mattheu, belonging to himself, John Daffom and Thomas Russel, all residents of Boston, declares he sailed from Virginy, on Tuesday the 6/16 instant, and on Wednesday the 13/23 instant, was captured by Captain Cornelis Ewoutse, near the East end of Long Island, and says his cargo consists of

William Lewis, skipper of the ketch called the Prosperous, belonging to Richard Cuts residing at Piscattaway, in New England, declares that he sailed from Maryland on the 2/12 instant for New England, and that on Wednesday 13/23 instant was taken by Captain Cornelis Ewoutse near the East end of Long Island, having on board for account of his employers:

For himself 7 tubs of tobacco in bulk.For his crew about 10 tubs of tobacco in bulk,For John Smith, a passenger, some English goods valued by him at £40, and rope to the value of £10.For Robert Ydmans, a passenger, his chest and straw bed.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.1.

Translation Superscripts
Translation: O'Callaghan, E.B., trans./ed., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons: 1858), pp. 569-730 (vol. 23, pp. 1-270 only).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.
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