[several lines lost] behind [ ] nine hundred guilders [ ] sail[i] to the [ ] choose, and therefore without [ ] of the mentioned sum [ ] done, requests against this [ ] arrangements, and that meanwhile the person of the aforesaid Baellieu be held here until he has given proper satisfaction or payment; by default, and in case there is any loss, he, based on his office, makes a protest. Dated as above.[ii]
The above report having been written and read, the below petition is handed in by Captain Beaullieu at the meeting.
To the honorable lord director general and the lords councilors of New Netherland.
Augustijn Beaulieu, captain, shows with due respect how he, petitioner, remembers that he owes the honorable lords of the Company and because he neither wants nor wishes anything but to pay everyone respectably and honestly, he turns to your honors with the humble request because he, petitioner, left a great ship’s boat[iii] under lord director Becx’s direction, which cost ƒ440:– in Holland money, and with it a new large sail, a rope, and a drag, with another piece of rope of which the tackles needed for the boat were made; in addition, under the Jew Josua and Hendrick, brothers Mardochaije living at Curaçao, about some goods delivered to them, amounting to the same sum as for which the petitioner bought it at the island of St. Cristoffel, namely, 7,000 pounds of [ tobacco ] [several lines lost] on their way there, they were the [ ] in his intended journey at the soonest [ ] or the lord director general [ and councilors ] will resolve it [ ] also with a good [ ]. Doing this, (lower stood) I remain your honors’ humble servant (was signed) A. Beaulieu.
Having received and read the above request, the following opinions were given on it:
The lord director general’s opinion:
To Captain Beaullieu’s request serves for advice that the boat or sloop, of which the petitioner says he left at lord Becx on the island of Curaçao, shall be validated in settlement, provided that before his departure he provides here a security for the truth and guarantee of what was said. Dated as above.
Lord Sille’s opinion:
Lord Sille conforms to the lord director general’s opinion.
Opinion of the honorable Johan de Deckere:
Because the aforesaid petition contains arguments without evidence, De Deckere persists in his previous request, the more so because it is not clear, or at least insecure that the aforesaid Beaullieu will be able to provide proper security; if he is unable to do so, it is likely that he will escape without making payment. Dated as above. [several lines lost] Done [remainder lost]
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