Document: MINUTE of the war council of Admiral de Ruyter's squadron concerning the terms granted English merchant ships captured at Goree on the coast of Africa

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Minute of the terms granted by admirals De Ruyter, Meppel and Van Nes, to certain captains of merchantmen chartered by the Royal African Company and captured at Goree, on the coast of Africa.

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Michiel Adrianse Ruyter, Cornelis Meppel, both vice-admirals; Arent van Nes, rear-admiral; each in the service of Holland and West Friesland; the commander, Gideon de Wilde; the captain and rear-admiral, Leendert Haerwant and Willem van der Laen; together with those others of the war council and the other captains.[1]

In the presence of the below-named English merchant captains, hired by the English Royal Africa Company [ to go ] to the coast of Africa, to wit:

Captain Isaack Tayler

Gillis Toorenburgh

Stephen Norts






That they shall deliver, for proper receipts, in addition to their charter-parties and manifests, such goods, nothing excepted, which the aforesaid English company has loaded aboard them. The commanders and vice-admirals of Holland, Michiel Adrianse Ruyter and Cornelis Meppel, together with those of the war council and the aforesaid captains, have promised, as they do hereby to take over all the aforesaid English Africa Companys goods as aforesaid, for proper receipts, and to have their freight charges equitably paid by the Dutch West India Company. Furthermore, the above-named lords de Ruyter, Meppel and the war council promise the aforesaid English captains unhindered and free passage for their ships, crew and private goods to Europe, where the aforesaid captains, crew and goods shall be returned without suffering any loss or damage by the crew and soldiers placed aboard their ships; and after the aforesaid English Companys goods have been unloaded from the ships of the aforesaid English captains, the above-named lords-commanders and war council shall see to it that the aforesaid English ships shall be provided with ballast. Done in the States ship De Spieghel at the roads of the island Goere on the coast of Africa, the 22nd of October 1664. Was signed as above by order of the aforesaid war council. Poulus Adrianse, clerk serving as secretary.[2]

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections], Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement] Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Curacao records, 1640-1665. Series A1883-78. Volume 17, document 89.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: De Ruyter was sent to recover West India Company possessions lost to Holmes; see P. Verhoog and L. Koelmans, eds., De Reis van Michiel Adriaanszoon De Ruyter in 1664-1665, Werken der Linschoten-Vereeniging, no. 62 fs-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961).
[2]: Document 17:89 is a duplicate of 17:90 with only a few minor variations.


Modern Location
Locations (Unlinked)
Goree|on the coast of Africa|Holland
Ship Mentioned (Unlinked)
De Spieghel
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Michiel Adrianse Ruyter|Cornelis Meppel|both vice-admirals; Arent van Nes|Royal African Company |Gideon de Wilde|Captain Isaack Tayler|Gillis Toorenburgh|Stephen|Norts||Leuwin|Symon|Grick|Niemant|Thomas|Poulus Adrianse
Document Location