Document: Minutes, Case: Paulus van der Beeck; farmer of the burgher excise on beer and wine; v. Jan Vinge; complaint about refusing to settle and smuggling; copy granted

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|Court Case |Paulus van der Beeck; farmer of the burgher excise on beer and wine; v. Jan Vinge; complaint about refusing to settle and smuggling; copy granted|Court Case |Paulus van der Beeck; farmer of the burgher excise on beer and wine; v. Pieter van Couwenhoven; smuggling and refusing to settle; ignorance pleaded; promise to pay|Court Case |Paulus van der Beeck; farmer of the burgher excise on beer and wine; v. Willem Beeckman; complaint about refusing to settle and smuggling; disputed; as the actions of the farmer of the burgher excise on beer and wine against four brewers are similar; consultation with the Director General is required

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