Document: |Minutes|Case |Daniel Tourneur v. Metje Wessels and Jan Gerrisen van Buitenhuijs; demand for fine for the slaughter of a hog without notification or payment to the farmer of the excise on slaughtered cattle; proof ordered

Holding Institution
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|Minutes|Case|Marckus de Sousoij: attorney of Jaspar Kincking: v. Jan Smedes: demand for payment of debt according to obligation: acknowledged: ordered to pay |Minutes|Case|Marckus de Sousoij v. Burger Jorisen; complaint about productivity of a mill; referred to contract |Minutes|Case|Nicolaas de Meijer v. Cornelis Steenwijck and Pieter Jacobsen Buis; demand for payment of mortgage of Jacob Wolfersen van Couwenhoven; repeat of order for annulment |Minutes|Case|Jan Lauwerens v. Willem Weit; demand for payment of debt of Robbert Sleij; interpreter required; arrest declared valid

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