Document: Minutes|Case|Lucas Dirckzen v. Pieter Janzen metselaar: request for arrest on monies of Janzen in hands of Denijs Hartooghvelt to be declared valid: willing to pay: minus deduction: arrest valid: deposit ordered

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Minutes|Case|Lucas Dirckzen v. Pieter Janzen metselaar: request for arrest on monies of Janzen in hands of Denijs Hartooghvelt to be declared valid: willing to pay: minus deduction: arrest valid: deposit ordered|List||Minutes|Case|Sailors of the ketch Contentement v. Joan Woudberrij: skipper: demand for prompt payment of monthly wages: disputed: plaintiffs ordered to resume their service|Minutes|Case|Pieter Pia v. Pieter Janzen metselaar: demand for payment of debt: counter-claim: disputed: proof required

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