Document: Minutes|Case|Mighiel Tades v. Isaack Greveraat: demand for the fulfillment of a contract for sale of a house: house to be moved to the lot of Jan Gerrisen van Buijtenhuijsen: proof produced: contested: oath demanded: oath taken: plaintiff to retain house

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Minutes|Case|Mighiel Tades v. Isaack Greveraat: demand for the fulfillment of a contract for sale of a house: house to be moved to the lot of Jan Gerrisen van Buijtenhuijsen: proof produced: contested: oath demanded: oath taken: plaintiff to retain house|Minutes|Case|Cornelis Steenwijck v. Mr. Potifar: demand for delivery of tobacco and hides: loss of yacht put forward: eyewitness produced: compensation of salvage required: delivery ordered: salvage to be paid

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