Document: Minutes|Case|Otto Gerrits v. Joseph Knott: surety required before proceeding

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Minutes|Case|Otto Gerrits v. Joseph Knott: surety required before proceeding|Court Case |Thomas Wandel v. Jacob Varrevanger: curator of the estate of Marij Polet: order for inquiry into estate of Philip Gerardij: first husband of Polet|Court Case |Gabriel Minvielle v. Jacques Cousseau: postponed|Court Case |Jacques Cousseau v. Gabriel Minvielle: postponed|Court Case |Timotij Gabrie v. Marij Dopsen: defendant ordered to satisfy|Note |Issuing of a warrant for the execution of the judgment of 2 July 1672 against Marij Dopsen in her suit with Timotij Gabrie

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