Document: Minutes|Case|Walewijn van der Veen v. Cornelis Vos: reply submitted: postponed

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Minutes|Case|Walewijn van der Veen v. Cornelis Vos: reply submitted: postponed|Affidavit|Request of Jan Schrijver for execution of the judgment of 31 October 1662 in his suit with Cornelis Hooghboom and Lauwerens Sacharias: granted|Order |Cornelis Hooghboom to produce proof in his suit with Hendrick Hendricksen|Order |Request of schout Pieter Tonneman for the confinement of Francois de Bruijn as he remains in disobedience of the judgment of 17 October 1662: confinement in tavern allowed|Request |Schout Pieter Tonneman for the confinement of Dirck Jansen scheepstimmerman for opposing justice|Notice |Mattheus de Vos: attorney of Willem Teller: of an order to stop the conveyance of the house which Lambert Barensen sold to Gerrit Hendricksen|Order |Request of Joannes Verveelen: for the sale by execution of the house of Barent Cruijtdop

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