Document: Note | Deposition by Adriaen Keyser of payment in his suit with David Frere; with the approval of further measures for execution; if required

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|Ordinance |Director General and Council establishing building lines in New Amsterdam

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[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_510 bottom half,511,512 top half. Presented here for continuity.  NAHC]


  The following Order for a day of Fasting and Prayer was published from the City Hall. [Formerly unidentified document.]


On Wednesday 23 February were assembled at the City Hall the Heeren Oloff Stevensen, Joh. Van Brugge, Jan Vinje, Will: Beekman, and Hendrick Kip to publish the Ordinance for a Fastday, but as Schout Tienhoven, who had this ordinance with him, did not come, they adjourned without doing anything.

Thursday the 24th February In the City Hall. Present Cornelis van Tienhoven, Oloff Stevensen, and Allard Anthony.

The following Order for a day of Fasting and Prayer was published from the City Hall.

Honourable, Right beloved:—

No one among us can be ignorant or forgetful of the especial favors, blessings and benefits manifested and conferred on this early budding Province by the All good and Merciful God, of which not the least is the increasing population, the merciful protection against a dreaded and threatened war with Our neighbours unexpectedly changed into a wished for and acceptable peace, with an especial increase of a flourishing trade, fruitful and blessed harvests and continual health; which favors and other additional special benefits and blessings from God, enjoyed by us with insufficient attention but rather ungratefully abused, hath righteously moved our God, for our regard, to tum the face of His favor against us—afflicting and righteously chastising us at the close of the last year—though not punishing—by a sudden and unexpected attack from the Indian Barbarous Natives of this country, through whose cruel and murderous hands many Inhabitants of this Province were savagely murdered and stripped of property and life; many Bouweries, plantations and houses burnt, and the public good so retarded that we may justly cry aloud with the complaining Prophet—AH. how hath the Lord covered us with a cloud in his anger, and cast down from Heaven to the Earth the beauty of the land; the Lord hath swallowed up all our habitations and hath not pitied; He hath thrown down our strongholds in his wrath; He hath drawn back his right hand when the Enemy came; He burned like a flaming fire which devoureth us round about, who are left like a tent in a garden of trouble as a warning that we shall all fare alike unless we tum from our Ingratitude and heinous Sins; We who have been left being not less sinners than those other Inhabitants of this Province on whom we have seen fall, not the tower of Siloa but God's anger out of Heaven still hanging above our heads for want of attention and true penance. To deprecate this from the all beneficent God, and to draw down, in place of God's righteous punishment, His merciful favors and benefits, the Director General and Council of New Netherland have, therefore, deemed it highly necessary, to order a day of General Fast and Prayer to be holden on the First Wednesday of the Month of March, being the First day of the said Month. We therefore charge all Our subjects to repair, on the day aforesaid, to the Church or where God's Holy Word is usually preached, and there, in the fore and afternoon, after hearing the same, with one accord and low and humble hearts to call on the name of the Lord, to pray and beseech His divine Majesty to cause the floods of His anger and clouds of his indignation which began to pour down on us, to cease and to change into streams of His antient favor and Mercies, turning away from us and all our good Inhabitants, all destroying War, or if His Majesty, for His Name's Glory, for the further spread of His Gospel, and security of this Province and its Inhabitants, may otherwise direct, that the all good God would then please to bless in such wise the feeble power and means, to endow the Director General and Council together with all inferior officers, people and subjects with Wisdom, understanding and valour, to the end that the good Inhabitants brought hither by his hand and outstretched arm, and up to the present hour protected against the Might and cruelty of barbarous men, may remain henceforth sheltered and protected under His wings, and that such means may, for that purpose, be practised and devised, as His Majesty to the greater Glory of His Name may deign to bless. {End 511}

Also to pray God, the Lord for a continuance of health, and prosperity in trade and agriculture, but principally for a righteous and thankful use of His blessings and benefits. The which the better to observe and practise with greater unanimity, We interdict and forbid, on the aforesaid day of Fasting and Prayer, during Divine Service, all labor, Tennis playing, Ball playing, Hunting, Fishing, Travelling, Ploughing, Sowing, Mowing, and other unlawful games as Gambling and Drunkenness, on pain of arbitrary correction and punishment already enacted against the same. To which end we request and solicit all servants of God's Holy Word here in this Government, to form their sermons and prayers. Thus done and concluded in Our Assembly in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland 27th January 1656. Whereunto declaring ourselves we shall commit your Honors to God's care and protection and remain

Honourable, Beloved, Your Honors' Good friends

The Director General and Council of New Netherland,

P. Stuyvesant By order of the Director General and Council of New Netherland,

C. v. Ruyven, Secretary.


[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_12 bottom half.NAHC]


Inasmuch as Adriaen Keyser has deposited at the Secretary's office in fulfillment of the judgment in favor of David Frere, certain beavers and zeewan, the aforesaid Sieurs Pieter Corn Vander Veen and Pieter Jacobsen Buys are requested to examine the said payment and decide, whether the same be sufficient and valid, in which case David Frere shall be satisfied therewith: And if not good, Adriaen Keyser shall immediately in their presence replace it; but if he does not do so, the Bailiff is hereby empowered and authorized to sell, at publick auction, the goods at David Frere's house, belonging to A: Keyser; after deducting costs, to satisfy the Pltf's and pay the surplus to A: Keyser. Done this 24 February 1656 in Court.


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