Document: Order for payment by the W. I. Company of debts due individual creditors in New Netherland

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Order for payment by the W. I. Company of debts due individual creditors in New Netherland

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The Governor-General and Council of New Netherland having taken up and read the petition of divers creditors of the West India Company in this country, requesting in substance that the said Company's estate still in being here may be conveyed and made over to them for payment, of what is justly due them by the company, &c.Ordered:Pursuant to Petitioners' request, the outstanding debts belonging to the West India Company here, shall be transferred to its creditors in this country, in payment of its just debts, and the other effects and real estate heretofore belonging to said Company, shall on approval of the Lords Majores, remain bound for the effectual payment of said creditors, whereof order shall be granted for their benefit.

The Governor-General and Council of New Netherland having taken up and read the petition of Richard Pattishall, skipper of the sloop the Egmond and Mathew, captured and brought in here by Captain Cornelis Ewoutsen, requesting in substance that his cargo of tobacco and other goods may be discharged from said sloop, and he be allowed to make a voyage on charter with said sloop from here to New England, offering to give sufficient security for the value of said sloop, &c..


Petitioner is allowed to have the tobacco and other goods discharged from his sloop here, and to make a voyage hence to N. England with said sloop provided he give sufficient bail to the satisfaction of the Governor, that said tobacco and other goods shall not be alienated nor assigned; also, that in case the Petitioner's said sloop shall be found to be a lawful prize she shall on demand be delivered free of cost and damage, or the just value thereof on the award of arbitrators shall be paid to the Governor or whomsoever has his order. Messrs Christopher Hooglant and Peter Jacobsen Marius, are hereby commissioned and appointed to make out such valuation. Done Fort Willem Hendrick, this 27th June, 1674.

On petition of Cornelis van Ruyven, setting forth in substance that in the years 1660 and 1661, he had sold and delivered to the West India Company in this country, for account of Hobbe Cornelissen Hobbensen, Quiryn van Seventer and Peter van der Meulen, a lot of merchandise, a balance whereof amounting to the sum of fl.3711: 18 is still due to them, requesting that in payment of said debt, one of the Company's bouweries may be conveyed to him on valuation of arbitrators and the balance paid, &c.,Ordered by the Governor:Petitioner is referred to the Commissioners who, agreeably to the appointment of the 21st instant, shall be commissioned to liquidate the West India Company's accounts and pay its debts, who are hereby also recommended to afford as much satisfaction as possible to the Petitioner for the account of his principals, in common with the other creditors.

On petition presented by Mr. Cornelis van Ruyven, on behalf of the Widow of december Domine Johannis Megapolensis and of Domine Samuel Megapolensis, requesting that what still is due them for earned salary both from the West India Company, from this city and the Town of Bergen, may be ordered to be handed and paid him, &c.,Ordered by the Governor-General of New Netherland:As regards the claim against the estate of the West India Company, the Petitioner is referred to the Commissioners appointed on the 21st instant for the settlement of its books and payment of its debts; regarding the debt of the city and of the Town of Bergen, it is already recommended to the respective Courts, in order that some means may be found, if possible, to pay the same.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.1.

Translation Superscripts
Translation: O'Callaghan, E.B., trans./ed., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons: 1858), pp. 569-730 (vol. 23, pp. 1-270 only).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.
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