At a Council held in Fort Willem Hendrick, 15th June, 1674.
Pltff. alleges that Deft. did on the 30th April last, contrary to the proclamations of the government, sell rum to soldiers; also that Deft. hath made the French soldiers who deserted, drunk and intoxicated two days before their desertion, &c. Concludes therefore, that Deft. ought to be condemned in a fine of two hundred guilders in Beaver, and arbitrary correction with costs.
Deft. admits to have sold rum to the value of twenty guilders, light money, but denies having been the cause of the French soldiers designing, &c.The Governor-General and Council having heard parties, condemn Deft. for tapping rum to soldiers, in a line of one hundred guilders in Beavers, according to the proclamation; with costs.On petition of Lourens Andriese, Samuel Edsal and Dirck Claesen, agents of some hamlets dependent on the town of Bergen, requesting that the Sellout and Schepens of said towns be ordered to leave the Petitioners undisturbed, respecting a certain fence in dispute between them, or to cause the Petitioners to be summoned, and to institute their action in this case, before the Governor, &c.Petitioners are again ordered pursuant to the previous instruction, to deliver into Court within 14 days, their objections in writing to the award given by the arbitrators, on pain of discontinuance without being heard any more in the premises.On petition of Lourens Andries and Joost van der Linde, agents for the inhabitants of Mingagqué and Pemrepogh, requesting to be excused from contributing to the support of the schoolmaster at Bergen, &c.Ordered:Copy hereof to be furnished the Magistrates of the town of Bergen, to answer the same.Read and considered the petition of Mr. Cornelis van Ruyven, setting forth that by the last general account closed between the late Governor Lovelace, and the Petitioner as Receiver, there remains in divers goods and outstanding debts the sum of fl. 41,618.9, and whereas Petitioner is now on the eve of departing for Patria, therefore requests that some persons may be appointed to examine the account books and see what persons owe said balance, to declare their opinion, and award in behoof of the Petitioner, and further that he informed into whose hands he shall deliver over the books and journals regarding the same, &c.,Ordered:The Governor-General and Council of New Netherland hereby commission and authorize Messrs Olof Stevense Cortlant, Gelyn Verplanck, Gabriel Minvielle and Jacob van de Water or any two of them, to examine said books herein mentioned, and to render a report of their conclusion, which being done, the Petitioner is ordered to deliver said account books into the Secretary's office here.
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