Document: Order to sell major Kingsland's plantation and stock at Achter Col

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Order to sell major Kingsland's plantation and stock at Achter Col

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The Governor has this day resolved to sell Major Kingland's plantation and effects at Achter Col; and the Magistrates of the Town of Newarke are accordingly authorized to drive off and sell by public auction the cattle and swine of said plantation, to be paid for next winter in salt pork @ 3 £, or beef @ 2 £ per barrel, winter wheat @ 6 guilders or peas @ 4 guilders, Wampum currency, per skepel; and it is further ordered, that written notice shall be given that said plantation and house will be sold on the 28th instant at the house of Philip Nys here in this city. Dated Fort Willem Hendrick, this 1st October.

David Gardener appears before the Governor and declares, he submits himself to the obedience of their High Mightinesses, etc. Furthermore requesting that his Island may be confirmed to him, and that he may enjoy the privileges and preëminences which he possessed in the time of the late government.

Which request being taken into consideration by the Governor, he is allowed and granted the same privileges and preëminences that may be granted to the other subjects of this government; whereof on his application formal certificate shall in its proper time be granted. First October, 1673.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.1.

Translation Superscripts
Translation: O'Callaghan, E.B., trans./ed., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons: 1858), pp. 569-730 (vol. 23, pp. 1-270 only).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.
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