Document: Order to survey lots in New Orange for various persons

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Order to survey lots in New Orange for various persons

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Mr. Jacques Cortelyou, the surveyor, is hereby required and ordered to set off for the undernamed persons the following lots within this city New Orange, to wit:For Gerrit Janse Eoos, 1 lot No. 2, situate in the company's garden.For Willem van Fredenburch, 1 lot No. 1, situate as above.For Peter Stoutenburgh, 1 lot No. 3.For George Cobbet, 1 lot No. 4.For the Lutheran Congregation, 1 lot, No. 5.For Lodewyck Post, 1 house and lot, situate next the City Hall.For Ephraim Ilerrman, 1 lot, situate in the Hooghstraet, behind Lodewyck Post's house.For Peter de Riemer, 1 house and lot, situate in Winckelstraet.For Peter Harinse, 1 house and lot, situate in the Smitstraet opposite bastion " Zelandia"For Marten Janse Meyer, 1 house and lot, situate in the sheep lane (Schape Weytie);And the W. Burgomasters of this city are required to deputize some of themselves to point out said lots, and to assist at the survey.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative records, 1673-1674. Series A1881. Volume 23.1.

Translation Superscripts
Translation: O'Callaghan, E.B., trans./ed., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons: 1858), pp. 569-730 (vol. 23, pp. 1-270 only).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.
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