7th July, 1674.Read and considered the petition of William Meaker and Thomas Thompson, residents of Elizabethtown, at Aghter Coll, complaining that Samuel Moor did, contrary to the order of the deputed Councillors of Aghter Coll, refuse to deliver up the bail bond executed by the Petitioners on 26th June, 1673, to Captain John Berry, then Deputy Governor, to appear before the next Bench and there to answer the complaint of Thomas Pardon, &c., requesting, further, that said Moor may be commanded to comply with the order of the deputed Councillors, by delivering up said bond.Ordered:The Governor-General and Council having seen that Samuel Moor doth, as it appears, in disparagement of the orders of the deputed Councillors, neglect to deliver up the bail bond of the Petitioners' to Secretary Samuel Hopkins, Mr. John Ogden, the Schout, is hereby instructed and commanded to put in immediate execution the said order of the deputed Councillors against said Samuel Moor, and demand said bail bond, or, in case of further refusal, to apprehend said Moor and send him a prisoner hither.On the petition of Daniel Dantom and John Gilman, agents for the Town of Piscatteque, complaining of the dilatory exceptions made by Samuel Moor and Pike, respecting the retention of the Petitioners' valleys, request to be maintained in their good right, &c.,Ordered:The Petitioners may cite their parties herein before Messrs John Lawrence, Richard Betts and James Hubbert, and the Court of deputed Councillors appointed by previous commission to hear and determine the matter in question between the Town of Woodbridge and Piscatteque. Therefore are the Petitioners again referred to said Court, which is hereby recommended, upon due examination of affairs, to cause quick right and justice to be administered to parties.
On petition of Richard Smith, complaining that notwithstanding the Governor's order on Petitioner's request, granted 26th June last, and the subsequent order of Schout William Lawrence, the Marshal of the Town of Hemstede, Richard Valentyn by name, to put in execution the judgment of the deputed Council against Jeremy Wood, asking, " Is it in the name of the King of England, for I will do nothing in the name of the Prince or of the States of Holland," &c.,Ordered:Sellout William Lawrence is again ordered and commanded to see, without further delay, that said judgment of the deputed Councillors against Jeremy Wood be put in execution, and, in addition, strictly to examine whether the Marshal did utter the seditious words, or words like those herein stated, in which case said Schout is ordered to arrest said Marshal forthwith and send him hither properly secured.
Deft.'s wife delivering in the papers in the case, is ordered to inventory them; and parties on both sides, if they wish so to do, are to be allowed to take copies of papers in order to answer thereunto at the next Court day.
Pltff. complains that Defts. have instituted an action against him, before the Court at Bergen, for carrying off some hogs which he claims to be his own property, and have thereon obtained judgment, as if he had obtained those hogs in a scandalous manner, by stealing; requesting, for reasons more fully set forth in his petition and application for appeal, that judgment of said Court, pronounced 11th November last, be annulled, and the Pltff. relieved from this scandalous action, &c.Schout Claes Arentsen appearing, answers and requests that Deft. [ in the Court below, ] be ordered to prove that they were his hogs; says further, that the Court aforesaid have not condemned the Pltff. of theft, but of inconsiderate removal of the hogs, without the consent of any officer, &c.Appellant acknowledges having rashly removed said hogs without consent, thinking they were his own, requests therefore to be excused, &c.Governor-General and Council having heard parties, and examined and investigated the papers and documents produced on both sides, declare the Appellant in the case, not guilty of the suspicion of theft, yet finding that he hath gone too far in the inconsiderate removal of the hogs, without having previously obtained consent to that effect, and modifying the judgment of the abovenamed Court, condemn the Appellant herein in a fine of one hundred guilders light money, with restitution of the removed hogs, on valuation of arbitrators, unless he will within 6 m. be able to prove that they were his own hogs, and pay the costs herein incurred.
On the petition of Joost van der Linde, and Hendrick Spiers, each is allowed a piece of land for a bouwerie, each piece 25 morgens, beginning opposite Schutter's Island, and further westerly along the Kill van Koll.
Symou Jacobse complaining, by petition, that he is grossly calumniated by the false accusation of Dirck Gerretse, as if the Petitioner had committed a very shameful and scandalous action, requesting justice in the case against the accused, &c.Ordered:The Magistrates of the town of Bergen, are ordered legally and publicly to summon Dirck Gerritse within 14 days, and to proceed against him according to law, on Petitioner's complaint or else to put their previous judgment against him into execution.The Governor and Council of New Netherland, having seen the complaint of the town of Bergen against the inhabitants of the villages of Pemrepogh,Mingagquy, &c., and the answer given by them, in regard to what the inhabitants of Pemrepogh and Mingagquy aforesaid, owe for the support of the Schoolmaster, and precentor of the town of Bergen, it is after due inquiry resolved and ordered, that the inhabitants of Pemrepogh anJ Mingaghquy, shall promptly pay their share for the support aforesaid, on pain of proceeding against them with immediate execution.
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