Document: Ordinance directing that no brokers be allowed in the Indian trade, but the Indians be allowed to offer their beavers for sale in town

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Ordinance. Directing that in future no brokers be allowed in the Indian trade, but that the Indians be allowed to offer their beavers for sale in town wherever they please.

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The commissary and magistrates of Fort Orange and the village of Beverwijck, being assembled upon the repeated complaints of the community about the trade, have by majority vote decided, as they hereby decide, provisionally for this year that no brokers, whether Christians or Indians, shall be employed, but that the Indians without being called or solicited shall be allowed to trade their beavers where they please. Furthermore, permission is given to everyone to go to the hill, as far up as the houses stand, to inquire where the Indians wish to go, and likewise to the strand where the Indians arrive, under penalty of a fine of threehundred guilders and suspension of their business for the period of two months for those who are found to have acted contrary hereto, to be executed without any exception or regard of persons. And in the absence of the officer another shall be substituted in his place to maintain this ordinance. Actum in Fort Orange, ultimo May 1660.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeJune 1, 1660


La MontagneAnderies HerpertsenSander Leend[ ersen ] Evert Jansen Wendel

Anderies de Vosch, plaintiff, against Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment for sixty-four planks and produces as witness Cornelis Theunesen van Slijck, who says that the defendant agreed to pay the debt.The honorable court, having heard the parties, condemns the defendant to pay for the planks in question in cash.

Abraham Carpeyn, plaintiff, against Immetie, the wife of Everdt de Backer, defendant.The plaintiff complains that the defendant took linen and other goods from the house of Lambert van Valkenb[ urg ] that belonged to him.The defendant says that she took it on account of debt.The court condemns the plaintiff to pay the defendant and also orders the defendant to return the linen.

Harmen Bastiaensen, plaintiff, against Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant [ payment for ] one hundred seventy-eight planks, as on the preceding court day, being the 25th of May, producing a signature thereof.The defendant says that the debt was incurred by Abraham Vosburgen and the defendant, being both partners, and claims that he is to pay but one-half.The court condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff [ for ] the said planks, according to his promissory note, within the time of six weeks, and to apply for reimbursement to his partner.

Harmen Thoomassen, plaintiff, against Willem Brouwer, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of sixty guilders.The defendant admits the debt.The court refers the parties to referees to go over the accounts and settle the matter.

Gillen Pietersen, plaintiff, against Baerent Meyndersen, defendant.The plaintiff asks as before on the 25th of May payment of the house rent and says that the defendant offered him ten beavers.The defendant denies that he made the offer.The court condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff eight beavers.

Baerent Albersen, plaintiff, against the widow of Abraham Vosburgen, deceased,[1] defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of eighty guilders, according to the contract made with her husband, deceased.The defendant says that she has no knowledge of it.The court orders the plaintiff to produce proof on the next court day.

Baerent Albersen, plaintiff, against Lowies Coobesen, defendant.The plaintiff demands the return of a canoe, which he loaned to the defendant.The defendant admits that he borrowed the canoe.The court orders the parties to agree with each other.

Femmetien Albers, plaintiff, against Abraham Carpeyn, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment for a half barrel of good beer.The defendant denies the debt.The court orders the plaintiff to produce proof.

Ester Fonda gives notice of an attachment in the hands of Daniel Rinckhout for the sum of one hundred sixty guilders, belonging to Femmetien Albers.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Geertruyt Pietersen

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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