Document: Ordinance | Director General and Council establishing building lines in New Amsterdam

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|Proclamation |Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the survey of building lines in New Amsterdam|Proclamation |Appointment by Director General and Council of Hendrick Hendricksen Kip; Govert Loockermans and Christiaen||Barentsen as fire wardens

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Copy. Friday, 25th February Anno 1656.

This day the survey of the streets of this City was resumed, as heretofore, in the Assembly of the Director General and Council of New Netherland. They had been laid out and set off on the map with palisades. On the question being put, the Director General and Council by plurality of votes have resolved and concluded to confirm, for now and henceforward the aforesaid survey without changing the same. Therefore, the advancement of the same was referred to the Burgomasters of this City, who are hereby authorized first and foremost to affix notice and determine that all and every one by a certain time (the sooner the better), who may be abridged or injured by the aforesaid survey, shall within the stated time, inform the Burgomasters to what extent they consider themselves damaged and to agree for the advantage of the City on the lowest price, and in case they cannot agree with parties, to refer the matter to two or three honest persons understanding the business, and not interested in the survey; which done, the Burgomasters shall calculate the aforesaid lots according to the returned quota, civilly appraise and distribute them amongst those prepared to build. But those interested shall be preferred and are to build on their own lots themselves, according to the survey, if they have an opportunity, and remain in the meantime possessors and owners of their gardens and lots (falling without the line of the streets until they are paid therefor according to valuation; and in case of the vacant lots falling short at the distribution, others shall be demanded; it being left to the Burgomasters to advise which street and lots shall be first built on, only that according to ancient usage the deeds required therefor shall be petitioned for and obtained from the Director General and Council. Thus done, resumed and decided at the Assembly of the Honble Director General and Supreme Councillors of New Netherland, held in Fort Amsterdam the 25th February 1656. Was subscribed

P. Stuyvesant.

Under stood, By order of the Honble Director General

and Councillors of N. Netherland.

C. v. Ruyven, Sec'y.


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