Document: Ordinance prohibiting the employment of Christians as brokers among the Indians in the woods

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Ordinance. Prohibiting the employment of Christians as brokers among the Indians in the woods.

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The honorable court of Fort Orange and the village of Beverwijck, having heard the earnest complaints of the Maquas, being some sachems of the same, about the ill behavior toward them on the part of the Dutch, who on horseback go up and down in the woods and not only take away their beavers by force and carry them, leaving the Indians to run after them, but also knock and throw them around, as is shown more fully in the complaint of the said Maquas made to the court, which assaults and insults are contrary to the welfare and the peace of this place, and apparently would create war between us and the, Maquas; therefore, their honors consider it their official duty to provide therein and have decided, as they decide hereby, to forbid all inhabitants of this place to go roaming in the woods as brokers to attract the Indians with beavers, under penalty of a fine of three hundred guilders and the suspension from the trade for this year.Thus done in the session held at Fort Orange on the 28th of June 1660.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeJune 30,1660


La Montagne Anderies Herpert[ sen ] Frans Barentsen Jan Verbeeck Evert Wendel

Albert Gijsbertsen, plaintiff, against Maria Goosens, defendant.The plaintiff demands reparation of character because the defendant called the plaintiff a thief.The defendant denies that she said it, as far as she knows, but on the contrary alleges that the plaintiff called her a whore, a pig, and a church thief.The plaintiff produces an affidavit of two witnesses.The honorable court orders the defendant to produce her witnesses on the next court day.

Cornelis van Sterrevelt, plaintiff, against Abraham Carpeyn, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of seven guilders, which he has caused to be attached in the hands of Harmen Metselaer.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court declares the attachment valid.

Theunes Theunesen, plaintiff, against Anderies Herpertsen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant offered himself as surety for the person of Cornelis Pot for the sum of twenty-eight guilders.The defendant admits the debt.The court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded within the period of six weeks.

Seeger Cornelissen, plaintiff, against Jan van Aken, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of three beavers for twenty sleighloads of manure.The defendant admits the debt.The court orders the defendant to pay the beavers in cash.

Mr. Gijsbert van Imborch, plaintiff, against Jan Meyndersen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of five beavers for surgeon’s fees in treating a gunshot through the arm.The defendant acknowledges the treatment of the wound and with it the debt.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the beavers demanded within the space of six weeks.

Pieter Bosboom, plaintiff, against Daniel Rinckhoudt, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant bought his cart and horse and demands that the purchase shall hold good.The defendant admits that he bought the horse.The court condemns the defendant to pay for the cart and horse and declares the purchase valid.

Daniel Rinckhoudt, plaintiff, against the wife of Jan Fransen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of twenty-two beavers.The defendant denies that she owes so much.The court adjourns the case to the next court day.

Tierck Claesen, plaintiff, against the wife of Jan Fransen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment by the defendant of five beavers, for which she became surety.The defendant denies the debt and says that they settled with each other.The court adjourns the case to the next court day and orders the parties to obtain a copy of the award of arbitrators who sat more than two years ago to decide the matter at issue between the parties.

Cornelis Wijnkoop, plaintiff, againstDefault. Harmen Bastiaensen, defendant.The plaintiff enters an attachment against Frans Baerentsen for three beavers belonging to the defendant.The honorable court provisionally declares the attachment valid.

Nicolaes Maier, plaintiff, against Dirckien Harmensen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of ninety-three beavers and six guilders in sewant.The defendant declares that she does not know how much she owes.The honorable court condemns the defendant to pay within the space of four weeks as upon liquidation and adjustment of accounts shall be found necessary, with costs.

Adriaen Jansen van Leyden, plaintiff, against Wijnant Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff, as attorney for the widow of Abraham Vosburgen, deceased, complains that he can get no satisfaction from the contract and inventory according to the judgment rendered on the preceding court day.The honorable court orders the marshall from this day, according to his commission, to execute the judgment and to take out of the defendant’s house the saws and other tools that may serve to satisfy the inventory. Furthermore, Pieter Meesen and Reinier Wisselpenninck are authorized as impartial men to inspect the sawmill and after inspection to make a report of its fitness to be used for sawing. And all that shall be lacking shall be repaired at the expense of the defendant.

The officer, plaintiff, against Wijnant Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff complains and says that the defendant has greatly slandered the honorable court by saying that their honors had rendered a false judgment. He produces an affidavit of three witnesses.The defendant denies that he said it and says that he can produce other testimony.The honorable court orders the defendant to bring proof of his assertion on the next court day.

Pieter Meesen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Philip Hendrickson, defendant.

The officer, plaintiff, againstDefault. Klaes Beever, defendant.

Idem plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan Gouw and Carel Jansen, defendants.

The wife of Jan Albers, plaintiff, against Witten Hendricksen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of eight guilders in sewant for a pair of shoes.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded.

The wife of Jan Albers, plaintiff, against Femmetien Albers, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of six guilders, eleven stivers in sewant.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum remanded.

Translation Superscripts

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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